“He fought his fight with grace and courage,” the statement from his family said. Tomy Keith died on February 5th, surrounded by his family.

Revealed in June 2022, Keith shared his battle with stomach cancer, diagnosed in fall 2021.

Keith was receiving chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery for his cancer. He said he was "comfortable with whatever happened" with his illness.

Born in Oklahoma, he worked in oil fields and as a semi-pro American Football player in his early days.

Keith's early life was steeped in hard work and country music. He eventually moved to Nashville, chasing his musical dreams.

"Should've Been a Cowboy" - This 1993 hit catapulted Keith into the spotlight, showcasing his signature blend of melodies and relatable lyrics about small-town life and American pride.

Keith became known for his unapologetically patriotic songs, especially post-9/11. While some embraced them, others criticized their perceived jingoism.

He dabbled in acting, appearing in movies like "Broken Lance" and also launched his own restaurant chain, Toby Keith's I Love This Bar & Grill.

His 2011 song "Red Solo Cup" became a party anthem, solidifying the red plastic cup's association with good times and country music.

Despite differing opinions on his music, Keith's dedication to veterans' charities and supporting wounded soldiers was undeniable.

His musical style evolved over the years, incorporating rock elements and broadening his appeal.

Love him or hate him, Toby Keith's impact on country music is undeniable. He remains a larger-than-life figure, a symbol of patriotism, American spirit, and catchy country tunes.

Toby Keith holds the record for most consecutive weeks at No. 1 on the Billboard Country Albums chart (34 weeks with "Shock'n Y'all").