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Have you ever felt like the Universe is conspiring in your favor? Like everything is falling into place, and your life is full of inexplicable miracles, things, or animals you have never seen before?

This feeling of alignment and synchronicity is often described as having the Universe on your side. And while it may seem like a mystical concept, there are tangible and quite apparent signs that the Universe is indeed supporting you and standing on your side, regardless of what you are going through in your life.

universe lucky number 1414
Photo by Anna Tarazevich

The past is a reminder of your strength

When we look back at our past, many people see it as pain, suffering, or something they would never want to experience again. And what could be worse than being reminded of the past?

Whatever it sounds like, it’s the Universe’s way of letting us know that it has our backs. You may see someone who has caused you pain or hear a song you associate with a painful past. The Universe is sending you these signs to make you realize how strong you are and what you have endured.

If you weren’t reminded of what you’ve been through, you might not even realize how far you’ve come and what an admirable and strong person you truly are. The next time you see or hear something you associate with the past, take it as a reminder of your strength and resilience.

Recurring number sequences

Every day and in every corner of the world, people encounter the phenomenon of angel numbers. These numbers are believed to be signs from above that either encourage, reassure, or remind us that we are moving in the right direction.

While catching a glimpse of 2222 or 777 every now and then is not necessarily a sign of a guardian angel or Universe standing behind your back, recurring sequences of numbers, oftentimes even several times a day, could be considered a magical sign from the heavens. Especially if you see them in unusual places or too frequently.

For example, if you see the 1414 angel number during a difficult time or when you feel like the whole world has turned its back on you, take it as a sign of comfort and a reminder that you are never alone. On the contrary, the number 666, which may evoke bitter feelings at first glance, serves as a reminder to focus more on the spiritual than the material.

Whatever number sequence you keep seeing, always listen to your intuition because it’s your most valuable source of guidance.

Animals are drawn to you

It’s no secret that animals have spiritual significance, and their presence can signify divine protection or guidance. Whereas in the spiritual world, every animal has its own meaning and purpose, the Universe sometimes doesn’t care what animal it places in your path.

You can be sitting on a bench, and a white butterfly will, out of nowhere, land on your lap. You may also be going through a difficult time after losing a loved one and find a small, impoverished kitten that will bring light into your life.

Other people describe the hedgehog sitting on their stoop daily or the foxes they meet daily on their way home from work. If you feel like animals are drawn to you, no matter how big, small, or what color they are, this is a clear sign that the Universe has your back.

Coincidences and miracles

Have you ever wondered what coincidences truly are and what their purpose is? Science would explain coincidence as a situation where two or more events happen simultaneously without any apparent connection between them. But we all know that science doesn’t always have the answer to everything, and if it does, it might not always be right.

If you feel as if inexplicable mysteries or coincidences are happening in your life more often than usual, it may be the Universe’s way of saying that it’s got your back. 

And what miracles are we talking about? You may start seeing your name or date of birth everywhere, you may find random coins on the ground, and you may also receive compliments or words of comfort from random people. Some people may even feel as if everything they touch turns to gold.

The Universe is conspiring in your favor.

You may not know which direction to take in life, and you may not understand why things happen the way they do. Whatever your situation, always remember that the Universe has your back, so never give up, and keep your heart open to all heavenly signs.

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