Sharing is Good Karma:

Everyone who works tends to have a routine: get your day started, open a few emails, take a few phone calls, etc. Even if you are one of the lucky ones who are in a job they love and are passionate about, the day-to-day routine can start to weigh you down after a while.

The routine can feel lethargic and empty. You may start to feel a little run-down or stuck in a slump, like you are running through the same few actions day in and day out, hour after hour.

image source: Pixabay

This monotonous, drudgery does not necessarily have to be a part of your life. With a few carefully chosen strategies, you can start to feel like your back on the top of your game, winning at life, smiling at everyone, and making the world a more sunshiny, happy place. When you are using the best binding machine to get those booklets ready, you can make work a better environment to be in.  It has been said that a happy worker is a more productive worker, so let’s lift those moods.

Ways To Lift Your Mood At Work

1. Delicious lunches

If you learn to cook or already know-how, you may enjoy making a few of your favorite meals throughout the week. Maybe make enough to share and enjoy with others. Bringing your favorite food for your lunch at work can give you a little boost in your day knowing you have something delicious waiting for you. You will have something to look forward to before your lunchtime and something to be grateful for when you are satisfied with your amazing meal. Bonus points if you take the meal to a nearby park on a sunny day, or share it with your favorite work friend. Sharing will lift everyone’s mood and the energy in the workplace will be friendly.

2. Sit by a window 

If you have an amazing view from a window in your office place, see if you can move your seat to be closer to it. On sunny days, the sunshine may boost your vitamin D level. Vitamin D is known as the happiness vitamin and may boost your energy. Sitting near a sunny window may also help your eyes adjust after the long strain of staring at the artificial light for your computer. If you have the option, sit by the window, glance out occasionally, and enjoy the beautiful view. Sunlight may also increase your brain’s ability to be productive, and who wouldn’t feel better getting more done.

3. Go for walks 

Sitting for long periods of time can feel like a prison sentence. Being chained to the desk isn’t fun for anyone. On your breaks, get up, move your body, and go for a walk outside if it’s a sunny day. The exercise will boost your endorphin levels and increase serotonin, helping to lift your moods and power you through your workday. Stretch your legs, get a cup of delicious coffee and your favorite snack. It will give you the opportunity to clear your head and reset your brain so you can power through the rest of your workday like the dedicated worker you are.

4. Listen to music that makes you happy 

Listening to peppy, upbeat, joyous music is a great way to lift your spirits and drive away the monotony. Quietly singing along to your favorite songs and dancing in your seat will give you a boost of energy and make your day fly. This energy that you get from the music will help you take on your workday like a champ and power through the entire month like you owned the place.

Try these tips and see which one gives you the most joy. If you stay happy, upbeat, and positive, it may spread all over the workplace. Joy is contagious and the world could always use a little more of it. If you practice optimism and find ways to reflect on the good things you enjoy in life, you’ll be happier wherever you go. Finding your own way of staying happy will be your best tool in the fight against the humdrum, but anything that brings a smile to your face will spread joy in the world and that is always powerful.

Sharing is Good Karma: