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Between family obligations, a career, household tasks, and all of the other elements of a busy life, it can be challenging to find time to exercise. The CDC recommends 150 minutes of exercise a week with two days of muscle strengthening. That may sound like a lot of time, but here are five ways to fit in that exercise without losing step with the other demands of your day.

Photo by Bruno Nascimento on Unsplash

1. Fit Mini Workout Videos Between Tasks

Workout videos used to entail a hefty time commitment. In today’s world, with the internet in your pocket, you can find workout videos as short as three minutes long. Plan ahead at the end of the day and make a list of short workout videos that seem interesting. Then, during a short break at work or while waiting for a child to pack their school bag, pick one of these videos to complete. If you can fit just three five-minute workouts in between tasks every day of the week, that amounts to more than two-thirds of your recommended exercise.

2. Bring a Pro Mindset to Your Short Workout

When you’re low on time, it’s important to get the most benefit possible out of short workouts. Even if you aren’t going to win any Olympic medals or boxing championships like USANA Athletes, you can still incorporate their mindset and their favorite supplements into your self-care regimen. Envisioning yourself as a successful pro athlete, if only for a 20-minute workout, may be the push you need to get to your goals.

Remember that vigorous exercise counts as double the amount of weekly time compared to moderate exercise. That means a 20-minute vigorous workout is equivalent to a 40-minute treadmill walk. How do you know if you’re working out vigorously? You should be able to breathe, but speaking in full sentences should be difficult.

3. Take a Dance Break

Many people find that no matter how much they hit the gym, they can never truly look forward to exercising. Others can get bored of the same videos or movements repeated hundreds of times. If this sounds like you, consider doing dance breaks throughout the day instead of normal workouts. Put on a favorite song, close the door and go all-out jumping and moving. Continue for the length of the track whenever you’re having a stressful time during your day. Dance is a great alternative workout option because it invigorates the body and mind at once.

4. Stop at the Gym Before Work

Getting up earlier in the morning gives you more time to yourself before a busy schedule kicks into gear. Going to the gym before work can help get your exercise out of the way and clear your mind at once, and the surge of energy can help work performance. If you’re a stay-at-home parent, you can apply this tip as well by exercising before your children wake up. You may be surprised at how good you feel starting your day with endorphins that reduce stress. Even if that doesn’t apply, you’ll still be in a better mood for not having to worry about your daily exercise.

5. Keep Healthy Snacks on Hand

No one wants to work out after eating a heavy meal, but it’s not pleasant to exercise on an empty stomach, either. Being prepared with healthy snacks is an easy solution to this common problem. Some good snack options before exercise include bananas, apples, a small granola bar or a yogurt smoothie. Keeping one of these in your bag somewhere visible will remind you to devote time to your health. Put on a 20-minute countdown on your phone after you eat your snack to hold yourself accountable. Get your short workout in while your body is fueled but not overloaded.

Fitting exercise into a jam-packed life is a big task. Remember that every five-minute workout, early morning gym run and drop of sweat counts towards your overall health over time.

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