Sharing is Good Karma:

Everyone will tell you that life is full of ups and downs and that you simply have to ride out the valleys to reach the peak. But recovering from failure or rejection is not always so simple. Whether you had to close down your small business or your partner decided to end your relationship, you may feel lost in the aftermath.

The good news is that there are many small things you can do to regain that spark. Follow these five simple steps and you’ll have your confidence back in no time. 

rebuild confidence
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Step 1: Update Your Living Space

Your daily environment greatly impacts your mental health, so one thing you can focus on after rejection is updating your living space. Of course, you should set aside time to declutter and organize your bedroom and living room, but the update doesn’t stop there. You can create an entirely new energy in any of the following ways: 

  • Rearrange your furniture
  • Add indoor greenery
  • Buy new bedding and pillows
  • Change curtains and rugs
  • Improve lighting and fixtures

Once you have refreshed your living spaces, you can add elements of aromatherapy to any room in your home. Place scented candles in your living room and Lavender and Eucalyptus Young Living Essential Oils on your bedside table. Using natural oils and fragrances to relax your body will also help to soothe and heal your spirit. 

Step 2: Revisit Your Accomplishments

In your newly revamped bedroom, carve out some time to revisit your accomplishments. Just because you failed once doesn’t mean your entire life is a string of failures. For example, if you recently got dumped, take a moment to think of a time when you were the one who called off a relationship. It’s important to remind yourself that life is not only a downward slope. It’s a balancing act. 

If you have never tried it before, now might be the perfect time to start a daily journal. Dedicate the first few pages to all the things you’ve accomplished in life. Include events and successes that are both personal and professional, and you can even use photo evidence as an added way to shift your perspective.

Step 3: Upgrade Your Wardrobe

How you dress on the outside affects how you feel on the inside, which is why splurging on a few new outfits, like a stylish kaftan, elegant sleek dresses, etc. can help you get over rejection. Ultimately confidence comes from within, but fashion is a form of self-expression that can help you get closer to your truest self. Choosing clothes that make you feel good and look good is actually a great way to boost your overall confidence.

Step 4: Pick a Signature Scent

What goes along with new interiors and new clothes? New perfume, of course! If you’re the type who associates perfume with your stylish older auntie, it’s time to accept that smelling good is good for everybody. Similar to how expressing yourself through fashion is a way to feel empowered, experimenting with fragrance is another instant mood booster. 

Before you head to the department store and get immediately overwhelmed with your choices, you should do research online to get familiar with how fragrances work. You can also request or buy samples of products to test before making an investment on a larger bottle. There are so many perfumes and colognes available that you can definitely find something just right that also fits your budget.

Step 5: Meet With a Mentor

When you’re feeling down, it’s crucial to share your troubles with someone you trust and look up to, such as a mentor, teacher, or close friend. This person should be someone who understands you and someone who can remind you of your amazing skills and talents.

A mentor is more than a friend. Having a mentor means having someone who has a deeper and broader perspective on life than you do, and they are committed to helping you grow as a person. Talking with a mentor can help you map out the lessons you want to take away from the difficult moments in your life so that they become opportunities for growth and change.

Once you work through these steps, don’t worry if you don’t feel better right away. Honor your emotional journey and watch for progress one day at a time. Every day makes a difference. 

Sharing is Good Karma: