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It’s been a tough year and you’ve probably had few opportunities to go outside and use the clothes in your wardrobe. As you’re waiting for the world to return to a sense of normalcy, take this time to give your wardrobe a makeover. Maybe add a bit of color and fun with cool t-shirts for women. If you want to go beyond modernizing what’s in your closet, choose empowering and sustainable fashion.

An empowering wardrobe is one that not only uplifts you personally but also helps other people involved in the fashion supply chain. This can mean supporting small businesses and reducing the environmental impact of your clothing choices.

Below are 5 simple but effective methods to learn more about making your wardrobe more empowering not only for yourself but for countless people involved in the process.

Photo by Andre Furtado from Pexels

1. Dress the Way You Want to Dress

How often have you decided not to buy a skirt or stop wearing a sweater because you didn’t feel people will approve? Have you ever stopped buying a shirt or accessories because someone on social media said something negative? Now is the chance for you to dress the way you want!

Do you have a fun, kooky combination of clothes you felt would earn judgment? Why not try it out and post some pics? Give yourself the confidence boost you need by deciding to dress for yourself and only listening to creative and supportive voices. You are the master of your own wardrobe and your wardrobe should uplift you.

2. Support Fair Labor Practices

So many companies and clothing brands have gone under fire for using unfair labor practices such as exposing their workers to dangerous conditions or using exploitative working hours. Do your research and switch to alternatives that uplift people instead of grinding them down. There are now a ton of efforts made to highlight women empowerment in fashion production and you can make a difference. The main way to do this is to make the conscious decision to only support companies that have fair labor practices and enforce ethical clothing production.

3. Try Making Your Own Clothes

People throw-away so much clothing when new looks become popular. You can avoid being this wasteful by making your own clothes. There are plenty of people on the internet who advocate a move because such hobbies not only make you learn a skill, it’s also healthy for the environment.

Vlogger Bernadette Banner is one of the most inspiring voices in the community, focusing on homemade vintage and antique clothing. However, you can make contemporary fashions just as easily at home. For example, did you know you can distress your own jeans quite easily? This way, you can stay trendy without being so wasteful.

4. Don’t Buy Too Much

So many people have had no choice but to turn to online shopping in the past year and some of you may have fallen victim to spree shopping. However, have you ever stopped to consider whether you should be buying so many clothes in the first place? By curbing your shopping habits, especially with clothes, you’re not only helping yourself save your money, but you’re also getting rid of a whole slew of headaches. For example, when you’re more selective with your clothing purchases, you don’t have to worry about where you’re going to store them.

5. Donate Your Clothes

According to some experts, people don’t wear as many as 50 percent of their wardrobes. This means that half of your clothes aren’t being worn anyway when there are thousands of people around the world who don’t have enough. The reasons for not wearing a lot of your clothes can be many, but sometimes they can be frivolous.

You may have stopped wearing a shirt for the understandable reason that it’s old and falling apart. Or you may have simply decided it’s no longer fashionable. In any case, you can help a lot of people by donating your clothes to the right charities.

Goodwill stores and similar establishments can sell your old clothes at much cheaper prices, letting people wear them without costing too much. Some even sell your clothes to finance other charitable endeavors. Your old clothes can make a difference so start packing them up rather than leaving them to molder.

Fashion is one way you can express yourself. But you make your wardrobe choices mean so much more. These simple ways let you make good choices for your wardrobe and for the countless people who work tirelessly to bring your clothes to market.

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