Sharing is Good Karma:

Today’s youth are more passionate when it comes to giving back to society and helping those who are less fortunate. They are more likely to be actively involved in volunteering, fundraising, and other charitable activities that make a difference in the lives of others. The good news is they are also extending their charitable efforts outside their communities. Some even aim to help charities of their choice abroad, especially in third-world countries.

You might not realize it, but there are lots of ways that you can support charity projects outside your country or state. You don’t have to be wealthy or famous to make a difference. All you need is time, creativity, and a desire to help.

youth volunteer
Photo by ray sangga kusuma on Unsplash

Here are five ways that you and other young people can support charity projects in third-world countries:

1. Use Your Voice To Raise Awareness

In today’s digital age, young people have a powerful tool at their fingertips for raising awareness for important causes – social media. Modern youth are tech-savvy and use their love for the internet and social media to help those in need.

You can use your favorite social media to raise awareness about specific charity projects you care about. For example, if you’re passionate about ending child poverty, you can share statistics and stories about the issue on Facebook or Twitter. You can also use hashtags to help get the word out there and connect with others who care about the same cause.

Remember that the more people are aware of the issue, the more people will likely do something to address it. So don’t be afraid to use your voice and speak up for those who can’t. Besides, sharing on social media is free. Share this with your family, friends, and groups that you are in.

2. Donate Your Time And Skills

Everyone has skills that they can put to good use. In such cases, use your unique skills and time to help those in need. You don’t even have to spend any money. The following can give you some ideas on how to put your skills and time to good use:

  • If you’re good with words, you can help write grants or create marketing materials for a charity.
  • Do you enjoy creating websites or handling social media accounts? You can help manage the charity’s website or social media accounts or create your own to raise awareness online.
  • If you love to bake or cook, you can sell home-baked goods or hot meals for a profit and donate a portion to charities abroad.
  • If you love creating trinkets for kids, you can make some and send them to kids who are victims of calamities in orphanages and third-world countries.

You can also ask the charity what specific skills or talents they need and see how you can be of assistance. This way, you will know exactly what they need and what you can do to help.

3. Support Local Fundraising Efforts

Let’s say you’re not in a position to travel or donate money to a specific charity. You can still support the cause by attending or donating to local fundraising efforts. For example, if a bake sale or car wash is being held to support a third-world charity, make sure to attend and donate what you can.

You can also get involved in other local fundraising activities, such as walkathons, raffles, or silent auctions. Charities themselves or individuals who want to support a specific cause are the ones who organize these activities. You just need to do simple research to determine when and where these activities will occur.

4. Ask for Donations and Send Them to Charities

Asking other people to donate the things they no longer need but are still usable and functional is already a great help for people in need. Think of old clothes, shoes, books, and even toys. You can also ask your neighbors and friends if they have any spare change that they’re willing to donate.

For instance, you live in Australia and want to help put a smile on the faces of kids in the Philippines who now live in orphanages. You can collect donations and send them over every three or six months. You only need to find a reliable parcel shipping service provider so you can send parcel to Philippines from Australia.

Of course, you need to do enough research to ensure your parcels can safely make it to your country of choice. Find a shipping company with good reviews and ask about their policies, such as what type of items they can ship and how much it would cost you. This way, you can start collecting donations and sending them off without problems. It would help if your shipping company allowed you to choose between air cargo and sea freight.

5. Look for Volunteer Abroad Programs

If you want to experience firsthand going to a third-world country and doing charity work, consider signing up for volunteer abroad programs. Some programs are free, while others require you to pay a certain fee, which usually covers your food and lodging. The organizations will assign you to do specific tasks that need to be done in the area or country you’re visiting.

Of course, make sure to do your research first before signing up for anything. Read reviews about the program and the organization running it. Find out what type of tasks you’ll be doing as a volunteer and how long you will stay in the country.

You should also have a clear idea about the living conditions in the area or country you are heading to. This way, you can mentally and physically prepare for the trip.

Even the youth can have the capability to help charities they are passionate about. All it takes is a bit of creativity and effort to make things happen. If you are serious about wanting to help, then you will find a way to do so. It doesn’t matter how big or small your contribution is as long as it comes from the heart.

Sharing is Good Karma: