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A healthy sex life can improve your heart health, but not always for the typical reasons we might think of. Against popular belief, sex does not always reach the ideal degree of heart rate function that is generally considered exercise.

However, there is still evidence that shows how the heart benefits from sex. Read through the post to discover the benefits of sex to your heart health.

sex benefits for healthy heart
Photo by Womanizer Toys on Unsplash

Surprising benefits of sex to general health.

Not only does sex make people feel good, but it can also have some benefits for you. Here are some;

1. Keeps your immune health optimum

According to health professionals, sexually active employees take fewer sick leaves. People who engage in healthy sexual intercourse produce a higher amount of self-defense mechanisms against bacteria, infections, and viruses.

While this is true, you are still advised to follow various practices that boost your immune system, such as;

  • Staying active.
  • Eating right.
  • Be consistent with your vaccinations.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Use a condom any time you are engaging in casual sex.
  • Always reach out for sexual health screening to start living according to your status

2. Boosts your libido

Sex can increase your sex drive in many ways. First, the body releases endorphins and feel-good hormones during sex, which can increase pleasure and feelings of happiness. Secondly, sex improves blood flow to the genital area, which can increase sexual arousal and function.

Another way sex increases your libido is by boosting your body confidence and self-esteem. When you experience pleasure, you feel more positive about your body and believe in your sexual abilities.

3. Improved cardiovascular function

Sexual activity, particularly frequent and regular sexual activity, has been linked to a number of benefits for cardiovascular function. When a person is sexually active, their heart rate and blood pressure increase, leading to improved blood circulation.

This increased blood flow helps to strengthen the heart muscle and lower the risk of heart disease and stroke. Additionally, sexual activity can also lead to the release of hormones such as endorphins, which can have a relaxing effect on the body and reduce stress levels, further benefiting heart health.

Regular physical activity is known to be one of the key ways to maintain cardiovascular health, and sexual activity can be considered a form of physical activity. However, it’s important to remember to engage in safe and consensual sexual practices and to consult a healthcare provider if there are any concerns about one’s heart health.

4. It may decrease the chances of prostate cancer

Engaging in active sex may keep you off prostate cancer problems. Men who ejaculate more than 21 times every month have reduced chances of prostate cancer, according to a study posted in the Journal of the American Medical Research.

The good news is that you don’t need a partner to get this benefit; masturbation, nocturnal sex, and penetration sex are all equally part of the research.

5. Boosts bladder control in women

Strong pelvic floor muscles are essential for preventing incontinence in women, a problem that affects women at a certain point in their life.

Good sex is a great pelvic floor muscle exercise because they experience contraction during orgasm and ejaculation, hence becoming strong.


Sex does not only make us feel good; it can bring some profound benefits to our lives. For example, healthy sex improves your immune system, boosts libido, decreases the chances of prostate cancer in men, helps strengthen the bladder in women, and boosts cardiovascular functions.

Regular sex will keep your skin glowing and boost your body confidence, making you feel like a young person.

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