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Writing is a form of art, creativity, a way to express emotions in a beautiful way. Writing is better than reading, and in more ways than one.

To start, each time one writes, the future of the writing piece is determined by the writer. Secondly, writing consists of a plethora of skills, that one cannot practice by simply reading. Lastly, writing can be an outlet to deal with personal conflicts, a form of therapy. Reading will not allow one to experience these same advantages that a writer experiences, which is why writing is better than reading.

writing and reading
Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

According to Kevin Westminster, a professional writer at, “writing has no boundaries; the writer can take complete control of the fictional future.” While reading, the ending is predetermined, there is no chance to shape the story. However with writing, one can let their creativity run wild, creating scenarios that can only be dreamed upon in real life. Writing can allow one to make those daydreams come to life, creating their own personalized fantasy world. This type of freedom cannot be found when reading since the author has the story set in stone. This story is not personalized to the reader either, which is why writing is better; each story written by an individual has a piece of them woven into it, one can make the story their own, however, they wish it to be. This kind of freedom, this ability to make the future into anything one could dream of, is only made possible through writing.

Writing also takes a wide variety of skills that are not practiced whilst reading. For example, one must brainstorm their writing ideas, use proper grammar, formatting, and sentence structure, as well as have a diverse knowledge of words and how to use them. Writing enhances all of these skills, and more, which overall contributes to one’s ability to communicate effectively. By reading, an individual does not learn these skills, and their communicative abilities do not improve. Reading mainly consists of one skill: interpreting or understanding the text being read, no matter what format it is in. However, writing in different formats requires a deeper thought process and forces one to practice even more skills. For example, writing can take the form of an essay (i.e. a 500 word essay, a visual analysis essay, etc.), an article, a short story, a novel, a biography, a poem, a song, and more. Adjusting the mind to write in each of these formats takes a lot of skill, as many of these forms of writing can be very complex to write, yet not as complex when it comes to reading them. You can also read the essay hub review by

Finally, writing can be therapeutic, a way to express how one is feeling. Writing out emotions, whether it is journaling, song lyrics, etcetera, can help people let go of feelings they have been holding on to. This act of letting go, letting out soulful emotions that one may have no one to share with other than the paper in front of them, can be a form of therapy. While writing, emotions can be more fully and honestly expressed, allowing for a deeper feeling of relaxation and relief from those emotional problems that are putting weight on the soul. While reading can be an escape from reality, it is nothing compared to the healing nature of turning one’s emotions into a beautiful piece of writing.  Writing allows emotions to be laid out clearly and understandably to the person dealing with those feelings. It can help one to figure out how to improve their mental health by organizing their feelings in a form of writing in which they can learn to gain control of their emotions. This therapeutic aspect to writing that comes with journaling or songwriting, for example, simply cannot be found when reading a piece written by somebody else.

In closing, writing is better than reading in that it has so many opportunities for personalization, creativity, and even stress relief. While writing, one can take control of the story, and shape the piece of writing to suit their fictional dreams. As well, writing requires a wide variety of skills to master, which reading does not require nearly as many. Finally, writing can be an outlet for people to cope with difficult emotions resting upon them. Writing is so diverse, allowing individuals many opportunities to create, explore, and form their own fantasy worlds while relieving the tension within their hearts.

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