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Safe deposits offer the highest level of security for storing valuable items.  Also known as safe deposit lockers, vaults store precious goods such as jewelry, contracts, contract papers, insurance papers, and other valuable documents.  

The vaults can be easily installed in banks as well as at your home. Moreover, you can easily access them at your convenience and do not need to make any schedule to access your own valuable items.  

Thus, there are different types of safe deposit boxes, and you might often need clarification about which vault to opt for.  

In this article, we will emphasize different types of safe deposit boxes.  

Without further delay, let’s get started! 

safety deposit box

5 Different Types Of Safety Deposit Boxes 

Below-mentioned are the types of vaults that will help you secure your valuables.  

1. Safety Deposit Box In Vaults  

One of the most popular and common ways to secure your valuables is to lease a safety deposit from a bank.  

Thus, when you rent a safety deposit box from the bank, they will offer you a key or a combination number with biometrics to safeguard access to your precious goods.  

You can also opt for banks that use keyless systems and need biometric authentication. No matter the situation, you must produce identification and a security pin to open your safe vault.  

One major advantage of safe deposits in vaults is that they are under tight security 24*7. Moreover, these boxes are also waterproof and fireproof.  

2. Digital Safety Deposit Box 

Although most documents have been altered to digital format, insurance papers, birth certificates, and other vital bonds still risk being stolen.  

From identity theft to stolen money, there are different ways you can be at risk if you do not safeguard your data.  

To resolve your problems, banks offer digital safety deposit boxes. Moreover, there are even portable safe deposits that come in handy.  

Therefore, the data-safe provider keeps all your sensitive data in digital safes and is authenticated to fend off those with unauthorized access.  

In addition, you will be allowed to create a password to access the digital vaults. The provider will help you create a strong pin for maximum security.  

3. Portable Safety Deposit Box 

A portable safety deposit box is a secure container designed to keep your precious goods safe wherever you go.  

In addition, you can also travel with you while you are on vacation, traveling for a business trip, or can plan to keep one in your home.  

Therefore, some models weigh less than 5 pounds if you only plan on storing small goods. These can be your keys, passport, wallet, or phone. On the other hand, there are even robust portable safes suitable for storing electronic devices, folders, and computers that store sensitive documents.  

Moreover, the secure vaults use a digital lock, either biometric or with a keypad, to access the valuables.  

If you are looking for a specialized high-security vault, visit The safes by Box Pack are designed to fit any valuables easily, and you can easily track them if you lose them in transit.  

4. Fireproof Safety Deposit Box 

A fireproof safety deposit box is worth the investment. It uses special insulation made from insulating vermiculite and perlite, which helps protect valuables when exposed to extreme heat.  

Thus, these fire-rated containers can keep the baubles safe for several hours in high temperatures. Furthermore, fireproof safety boxes protect valuables from fires and act like normal safes with secure locks.  

Hence, investing in one is a wise decision. It will safeguard your valuable items from fire and protect them from thieves and nature.  

5. Wall Mounted Safety Deposit Box 

Wall mounted safe deposit boxes are an excellent option if you need to store various belongings in your home or office. 

Therefore, some models are even large enough to accommodate massive art pieces. 

However, as the name suggests, the wall-mounted safety deposit boxes are fixed into the wall and are not portable. Moreover, it offers a high level of security. 

Similarly, their discreet nature, being mounted inside the walls of your home, makes it challenging for criminals to locate them. As a result, there is much less chance for them to access. 

Summing Up  

Thus, people across the globe rely on safety deposit boxes to secure their valuable goods.  

One of the most common uses of a safe deposit box is storing a copy of one’s last will and testament and other trusted documents.  

Similarly, as mentioned in the above section, there are different types of vaults, and each box serves a different purpose.  

Consider the factors and select the required one based on your needs.  

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