Sharing is Good Karma:

All of us start off the New Year with the best of intentions when it comes to working out. But by the time February rolls around, most of us lose our motivation and revert to the old sedentary ways we are so familiar with.

If you are also facing the same problem, do not despair. It’s totally normal to lose your motivation to work out after the initial excitement wears off.

gym motivation
Photo by Leon Ardho

The key is to find ways to rekindle your passion for working out. And when it comes to working out, we all know that motivation is key.

Motivation has the power to get you off the couch and start grinding at the gym. That’s why, to keep you striving toward your goals, we have compiled some easy-to-follow motivation tips that will help you get into the gym.

Get Rid of Bad Habits First:

Habits can be difficult to break, but if you’re trying to improve your health and fitness, it’s important to get rid of any bad habits that might stand in your way.

One bad habit that can sabotage your workout efforts is substance use.

Indulging in such activities can cause dehydration, which can make you feel tired and sluggish.

And most of the substances out there not only dehydrate your body but also impair your judgment and, as a result, decrease motivation.

These effects will make it harder to stick to your workout routine, as you’ll be less motivated to exercise if you’re feeling hungover.

So, if you want to stay motivated and on-track with your workout goals, it’s best to cut out harmful habits.

You can do this by trying better alternatives like coffee or going for a cold shower. But if can’t over your habits, consider getting in touch with experts at Delphi Behavioral Health Group to recover.

Not only will it help you to stay healthy, but will also improve your relationships and overall life.

Set Small Goals:

When you walk into a gym for the first time, you may feel like you have to make up for lost time and push yourself to the limit to get results. However, this approach is often ineffective and can even lead to injuries.

A better approach is to set small goals when starting out at the gym. Some examples of small fitness goals you can set for yourself include working out for a certain number of days of each week, doing a certain number of reps or sets of an exercise, or running a certain distance.

By setting smaller goals, you can give yourself a sense of achievement each time you achieve one.

This will help to keep you motivated and on-track toward the larger fitness goals. So, don’t be afraid to start small. It could be just what you need to get moving and stay fit.

Find a workout buddy:

Working out is often seen as a solo activity, but it doesn’t have to be. In fact, having a workout buddy can be a great way to stay motivated and on-track with your fitness goals. A workout buddy can push you to work harder and can also provide some much-needed accountability.

If you’re looking for a workout buddy, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

First, try to find someone who has similar fitness goals as you do. This will help ensure that you’re both working towards a common goal.

Second, make sure you choose someone you get along with and who you feel comfortable working out with.

And finally, find someone who is available to work out at the same time and place as you.

Create a killer playlist:

Working out can be tough, especially if you don’t have the right motivation. That’s why having a great workout playlist is essential to getting the most out of your workout. The right music can help you push yourself harder and stay focused on your goals.

First, consider what type of music gets you pumped up and motivated. Everyone is different, so there is no right or wrong answer here.

It could be anything from hardcore metal to upbeat pop songs. Just make sure it’s something that you enjoy and that gets you moving.

Think about the tempo of the songs on your playlist. Start with a few fast songs to get your heart rate up, then include a few slower songs to help you catch your breath.

And don’t be afraid to mix things up, change up your playlist often to keep yourself from getting bored.

Visualize Success:

No matter what your goal is, visualization is a powerful tool to help you stay motivated and on-track toward your goals. By picturing yourself achieving your desired results, you can boost your confidence and keep yourself motivated to put in the work to turn your vision into reality.

Think about how you will feel when you reach your goals. What will your body look like? What will people say to you? How will you feel about yourself? Picture yourself already achieving your goals, and let that image motivate you to keep going.

So, if you’re having trouble staying motivated to work out, try visualization to help you stay on-track.

Reward yourself:

When you set a goal for yourself and achieve it, it can feel great! And it becomes your motivation to set even tougher goals.

But what about rewarding yourself for all your hard work?

Rewarding yourself for reaching your workout goals can be a great way to stay motivated. It doesn’t have to be anything big or expensive: Just something that will make you feel good and remind you of your accomplishment.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Buy yourself a new workout outfit.
  • Treat yourself to a healthy meal or a snack.
  • Take a break from your workout routine and do something you enjoy.

No matter how you decide to reward yourself, just make sure you do it in a way that doesn’t set you back in terms of your goals.


There are a number of factors that can contribute to a dip in motivation when it comes to working out. However, by following a few simple tips, it is possible to get yourself into the gym and stick to your workout routine for the long-haul. Some of the best tips include setting realistic goals, finding a workout buddy, and rewarding yourself for achieving your goals. Give these tips a try and you’ll be on your way to achieving your goals.

Sharing is Good Karma: