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Doing the same thing and expecting different results is often seen as unwise with the exception to that being health treatment. You expect that as you embark on a treatment plan with basically the same routine the outcome should be a better health condition. Often times, this isn’t always the case and a line up of reasons could be responsible for it. These include the immune system being damaged by the infection, the human body becoming resistant to drugs, or that the selected treatment isn’t just cutting it.

Conventional medical treatment has been a lifesaver on numerous occasions and without it, so many lives would have been lost. The innovations over the years have been commendable, studying parasites, bacterias and adjusting their treatment to bypass some of the resistance that could have been a problem. Drugs and surgeries have revolutionized the healthcare system. However, there are illnesses that seem a bit more complicated to handle with this orthodox method.

Some diseases such as anxiety, depression, cancer, chronic pain have proven difficult to be treated with orthodox medicine and in most cases recurs or doesn’t get treated. Chronic pain, for instance, can be very persistent and recur at different stages in life. Anxiety and depression haven’t also been known to be effectively treated by drugs. So how do you know when to try other treatments? When it isn’t working!

Another important factor in getting the best out of treatments is also by attaching emphasis to improvement in the day to day life of patients. That is they have to be willing to make important lifestyle changes and be responsible for the little decisions they take on a daily basis like choosing to smoke cigarettes, consuming calories and spicy foods. This is where alternative treatment is a unique and far more effective option.

Alternative treatment or holistic health involves the use of natural products coupled with encouraging the individual to take more healthy lifestyle decisions which would result in a more holistic synergy between the body and the mind. It incorporates conventional medicine, diet, exercise, attitude, and lifestyle modifications. Whose aim is not only to cure the illness but identify the cause and prevent its future occurrence? We would look more closely at how to know when to find a different treatment option and what you can try.

Time For Something New

You sure know it is time to look for a new treatment for an illness when what you have been trying seems not to be yielding any progressive result. When symptoms largely remain and you aren’t feeling much better. Also, another key thing to note is when you notice a relapse in your health or after a period of time the illness recurs. For some, it is not just once but it recurs often especially with chronic pain, anxiety, epilepsy among others.

These illnesses can affect the way a person lives, they are often less productive and can’t give their all when they engage in some specific tasks. Individuals with epilepsy often withdraw a lot and are largely not comfortable in a social place as they are often cautious of having a seizure in public. Likewise, for people with chronic pain and a stable job, they would most likely have to take leave and often cannot deliver their best work. Thus resulting in a lack of productivity on the part of the organization.

Cannabis To The Rescue

Cannabis usage has been one of the main revelations of alternative treatment in recent years. Various research has been carried out to understand the plants, its compounds and how effective they can be as a treatment option. Cannabis has two main compounds THC and CBD which can be found in different proportions in various cannabis plants. Cannabis can be used in different forms; seeds, buds, and oil. Cannabis has been found effective in treating about 23 different illnesses among which include cancer, hepatitis C, epilepsy, glaucoma, and Crohn’s disease.

The different plant variations are known as strains and can be used more specifically for certain illnesses. There are two main strains, cannabis indica, sativa. Indicas have immense relieving benefits and are appropriate for treating chronic pain, arthritis, and cancer while sativas have euphoric properties and thus appropriate for depression and anxiety. While the ruderalis which is a hybrid combines both properties and is best often prescribed by a licensed physician.

For cancer patients receiving treatment, cannabis has been used to reduce vomiting and nausea, and for chronic pain patients, it has been shown to drastically reduce pain. Statistics also showed that with the inception of cannabis as a pain treatment there has been a rapid reduction in opiate usage, thus, testifying to its efficacy.

To effectively get registered to use marijuana as a treatment you must be registered with the state medical marijuana program. You apply by submitting your personal and medical details, followed by a licensed physician’s recommendation showing you need marijuana, and then go ahead to make payment. One part that seems a bit tedious is getting a physician’s recommendation as not all physicians are a part of the state’s medical-marijuana program.

However, professional services like Veriheal can help you get a doctor, not just that but also help with the whole registration and relieve you of the stress as well as save your time, as well as offer professional advice from their experts on the best strains and products to use to get the best results.

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