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Genshin Impact is one of the most popular games for few years in a row. It seems everyone is playing it. With its rich expansive lore, complicated story arches and multitudes of different playable characters, it’s easy to see why it’s earned such a large and passionate fanbase.

As with any property with a massive fanbase, Genshin Impact fans have come up with a plethora  of theories about the characters, lore and upcoming plotlines of the game. Here are some of the best Genshin Impact fan theories the internet has to offer.

Genshin Impact

Celestia is Evil

This theory revolves around one of the most mysterious places in Genshin Impact, Celestia. Celestia is a source of Archon’s power and control. It is also known as the place where the noblest of people go. But could Celestia be more sinister than it appears on the surface?

Even though Celestia is generally portrayed as good in the lore of the game, some fans speculate that Celestia may turn out to be a source of evil in upcoming plotlines.

The evidence for this is that the games show that most of the Archons on Teyvat seem to have a strained relationship with Celestia. In the manga version of Genshin Impact Venti purposely avoids the topic of Celestia when it is brought up. The Raiden Shogun has cut all ties with Celestia for a reason that remains unexplained. Many in-game scholars believe that Celestia has played an influential role in most historical events in the game’s lore for better or for worse. Could this mean that Celestia may be harboring a sinister secret to be revealed later in the game?

Kaeya is the Antagonist

Kaeya is one of the first playable characters that is introduced in the beginning of the game. Some players love and revere him while others think he’s annoying or too weak to use later on. Whatever you think of him, he’s undoubtedly one of the most interesting characters in the game. However, his mysterious past has remained largely unexplored, leading many fans to speculate that he may turn out to be an antagonist later on in the game.

Kaeya was sent to Mondstadt as a spy by the neighboring underground region known as Khaen’riah. He appears to be excessively violent in the cutscenes, almost to the point of sadism. His actions in these cutscenes paired with his mostly unknown past causes many fans to theorize that he may turn out to be an antagonist later in the game.

Albedo Will Turn into an Antagonist

Another popular Genshin Impact character that fans often theorize might turn out to be evil later in upcoming game storylines is Albedo.

Albedo is the Chief Alchemist and leader of the Knights of Favonius’s Investigations team. In one mission the traveler hears him whispering to himself about how he’s worried he might “lose control” one day and pleads with the player to hold him back when this happens.

Genshin Impact fans have come up with many different theories about what this “losing control’ comment may mean. One of the most popular theories states that when and if Albedo “loses control’ he may turn evil and become an antagonist. Maybe he has some sort of dormant evil inside him that is just waiting to break free.

There is an 8th Element

One of the core aspects of Genshin Impact’s magic system is the concept of the seven elements that govern the law of the land. However, ever since the plotline of the Abyss Order has been released in the game, fans started to wonder if the existence of an eighth element or even more elements will be revealed later in the game. Many fans also believe that there are,many more elements than the seven or even eight elements that have been revealed in the lore of the games and manga so far.

One of the properties that fans believe could potentially be the eighth element is found with the character of Dainsleif and the main characters sibling who leads the Abyss order. No one really knows the full extent of their powers and no player has been able to figure out exactly which particular element their powers originate from. This leads many players to believe that they may be harnessing the power of the mysterious eighth element. Many players also also theorize that this eighth element may be related to Khaen’riah or it may even have something to do with the reason the reason the Cataclysm occurred.

Many players also theorize that this mysterious eighth element may also be related to the  powers of a character from the manga version, Collei which also appears to exist outside the boundaries of the established seven elements mentioned in the lore of the video games and the lore of the series as a whole.

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