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In recent years, the market has been flooded with various products that claim to be natural. As a result, the term “green cleaning” has been turned into a buzzword, but having reliable information is vital to making responsible decisions.

When looking for commercial cleaning companies or products to use, knowing the differences between green cleaning and traditional cleaning supplies will help you make the most educated decision on what’s best for you, your employees, or your family.

Let’s look at the differences and similarities between these two cleaning methods.

Photo by Gil Ribeiro on Unsplash

What Is Green Cleaning?

Simply put, green cleaning involves using products and cleaning methods that are not harmful to people or the environment. These products and techniques are non-hazardous, biodegradable, and made from sustainable and organic materials.

But in reality, the term is a bit trickier; in essence, “green cleaning” is just another marketing phrase that many companies use loosely. It leads people to think they are buying safer products for their family and the planet when the products still include many potentially harmful ingredients.

Therefore, informing consumers about reliable brands and safe ingredients is essential.

A commercial cleaning company has its green cleaning supplies typically created from everyday staples like lemon, baking soda, washing soda, and white vinegar.

These products can also be considered “green” because of how they’re made — the bottle might be created from recycled material or use a low-waste manufacturing process. Green cleaning also includes the use of recycled material like towels that you can wash instead of using disposable paper towels.


  • Better for the environment
  • Safe to be around for humans and pets
  • Easily made at home
  • Doesn’t pollute the water when it runs down the sink
  • Won’t break down or ruin surfaces over time
  • Reduces waste in the manufacturing process
  • In the majority of cases, cheaper than traditional cleaning products


  • Cleaning can take longer since ingredients aren’t as harsh as traditional products
  • Many companies use “greenwashing”techniques (marketing products as “green” when they still contain harmful ingredients)
  • Products don’t disinfect surfaces but do have antibacterial properties

What Is Traditional Cleaning?

Traditional cleaning tends to get a bad reputation because of the adverse effects on the environment and human health. Years of conventional cleaning methods and prolonged exposure to these harmful products (both touching and inhaling) can cause acute and even deadly effects ranging from allergic reactions to blindness or even cancer.

Some harmful traditional cleaning ingredients include fluoride, chlorine, carcinogens, neurotoxins, and ammonia.

Let’s review the pros and cons of traditional cleaning (yes, there are some pros, despite the risks):


  • Kills harmful bacteria, viruses, and flu germs
  • Better for industries with high traffic like hospitals, doctors’ offices, and schools because of the powerful disinfectants
  • Cleans quickly and thoroughly due to harsh ingredients


  • Harmful to humans and pets; can cause long-term and short-term adverse health effects such as headache, hypersensitivity, poisoning, and cancer
  • Incorrect use of chemicals and inadequate maintenance may result in what is known as sick building syndrome (SBS)
  • Typically more expensive than using natural products to clean

What Are the Major Similarities and Differences Between Green Cleaning and Traditional Cleaning?

Safety is the most significant difference between the two. Green cleaning is eco-friendly; it’s safe for humans and our animal friends.

Traditional cleaning, on the other hand, can include toxic chemicals that lead to respiratory issues, skin irritation, and even cancer.

The most considerable similarity between the two is that they both clean surfaces efficiently — although you do need to invest a little bit more time when cleaning with natural products.

With safety as our priority, it seems like it’s time to slowly make changes in our everyday behavior for the sake of our health as well as our planet’s.

Before deciding what choice is best for you or your family, consider all the differences and similarities so you can make a conscious decision that is right for you.

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