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When it comes to building an empire, most people will assume tech companies, real estate, and other larger companies. But an empire can be built with the simplest things, like vending machines!

I will break down a step-by-step guide on the following:

  • what machine to start with
  • Best locations to start with
  • Where to find used machines
  • How to grow a vending machine route
  • Benefits of buying vending machine routes for sale
  • When is the best time to hire help
vending machine
Photo by Nik Albert on Unsplash

What is a vending machine?

Vending machines are a fixture in many workplaces and public spaces. They are often used to sell food or drinks. The vending machine has been around since the early 1800s. It was invented by a man named James Ritty in 1883, who created it as a way to stop employees from stealing money from his cash register.

The vending machine is an automated system that dispenses items when the proper amount of money is deposited. The person using the machine can purchase items by inserting coins, bills, or some other form of currency into a slot on the machine.

Best vending machines to start with?

Vending machines are one of the most e cient ways to make money. They are a great way to drive in customers and increase sales.

There is a wide variety of vending machines that o‰er di‰erent products and services. For example, there are vending machines that sell drinks, snacks, cigarettes and even phone chargers. Another type of vending machine is the soda fountain machine which dispenses cold drinks such as sodas, iced teas, lemonade and more.

5 best low-cost vending machines everyone should start with:

Gumball vending machines: these machines new will run you about $700 but used ones in working condition can cost $250

Snack vending machines: These machines can cost about $1500 but you can find a used one for about $600

ATM machines: These machines can cost a little more but the investment is worth, these machines should never be brought used but the good part is companies o‰er financing and the payment can be lower then $100 a month.

Credit card terminals: Credit card terminals are provided most of the time by the company you choose to work majority of the time customers pay for it.

Beverage vending machines: Another machine is a beverage vending machine, these machine can cost $2500 new but you can find these used for $1400

Best locations to place a vending machine:

Picking locations can be tricky, but the best way to determine a location is by the following tips:

  1. Number of people waiting by the machine
  2. Number of people walking by the machine
  3. Amount of competition near the machine ( if a lot of businesses are close by that sell similar items, then that is a bad location)

How to find used-good conditioned vending machines?

There is many places to find a used machines, when browsing these machines ask for a minimum warranty even a year to secure your investment…if your machine happens to stop working after a year you can find technicians to fix it here are some places to look for vending machines:

  1. Craigslist
  3. Ebay

How to grow a vending machine empire

Above we listed how the best vending machines to start with, best places to put them and best places to find vending machines, when starting you should choose one of these and open a business account take all the money you make and do not touch any of it as you have no expenses, your only overhead should be buying inventory, as the first business is operating start looking for a nest location this will not cost you any money just some time, pick the machine you want and once you make that amount from the first machine purchase the next…countinue this method for the third machine but instead of making income from one machine you now have 2.

As you add more and more machines it will be faster to expand machines and even buy vending machine routes for sale.

Benefits of buying an established vending machine route business

There are many benefits to buying an established route. One of the biggest benefits is that you can make money right away.

The second reason is that you will have a customer base already built up and ready to buy your products. The third reason is that it will save you time and money in the long run because it will be easier to manage than starting from scratch.

You shouldnt consider buying a route right away, this options is only for when you are on your 5th or 6th machine it will help you grow your vending machine business faster

Conclusion: benefits of owning a vending machine empire

A vending machine route is a great way to make money. You can take on the route for a few hours a day, or the entire day. The route is yours to manage and you can set your own hours.

You will need to make sure that you have enough machines in your territory, and that they are all in good working order. You will also need to be prepared to deal with any repairs when they come up.

Building yourself an empire will give you the freedom you need to enjoy time with your family, and the best part of owning a vending machine business is, later on, you can hire one person to manage all of them for you; they don’t take much work. Hope this article gives you the boost you need to get going on your vending machine business empire!

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