Sharing is Good Karma:

When something bad happens, how often do you judge and hate yourself? How often do you feel like you’re not good enough when someone you love hurts you? How often do you feel angry or jealous of other people when you want to be happy for them?

As important as emotions are, they aren’t everything that makes you who you are. Yes, they can be complicated and perplexing, but they’re not there to govern your life; they’re there to help you on your journey.

emotions healthy
Source: Pixabay

The Role of Emotions

Emotions help us figure out and talk about our needs and goals. If you’re feeling good, it’s usually because you’re in a situation that shows you’re on the right track and meeting your needs and goals. If you’re feeling bad, it’s likely because you’re getting a message that something is getting in the way of you meeting your needs and goals.

To some people, emotions are as strange as a foreign language. And not being able to process your emotions healthily means you look for solace in other things. Whether it is drugs, alcohol abuse, or any other form of self-harm – you would eventually need professional help if you get to that stage. Centers like Serenity at Summit Rehab can help you if you struggle with alcohol addiction or drug abuse. However, only by learning to understand better your feelings, especially the unpleasant or “negative,” will you be able to avoid spiraling further into depression.

Steps in Processing Your Emotions

You can follow a few steps to help you healthily process any emotion, not feel overpowered by negative emotions, and learn to meet your needs and goals positively by keeping an open mind.

Step 1: Recognize Your Emotion

It is important to recognize the kind of emotion you are feeling. Please do not deny it, push it down, or tell yourself otherwise. Recognition is necessary, or you will end up bottling up your feelings. Bottling up your negative emotions can harm your mental health and relationships. So understand what you are feeling, why you are feeling it, and learn to deal with it.

Step 2: Sit with Uncomfortable Emotions

After identifying your emotion, you need to be able to sit with any negative or uncomfortable feelings. It may be hard, but it will help you process how you are feeling in a better way.

For some people, this step may prolong. It may take time to embrace their negative emotions because it is too hard for them. It is very common in cases where someone ends up losing a loved one to death. Accepting grief to such an extent can be the hardest. However long it takes, you must not skip this step since it is essential for your emotional well-being.

Step 3: Identify why you are experiencing this Emotion

The whys of emotional experiences can differ for different people. Some might feel sad that their college is ending because they did not experience good college life. Others may feel sad because they will miss their friends and teachers. While some might regret missed opportunities.

Some common reasons for negative emotions include emotional triggers, old behavioral patterns, boundary violations, and unmet needs. It is your job to recognize why you feel a certain way so that you can take corrective measures.

Step 4: Addressing the Emotion

It is perhaps the most challenging part of processing emotion, especially negative emotions. On the other hand, positive emotions are typically easier and quicker to process. However, healthily addressing an extreme emotion is how you positively deal with an emotion.

Addressing the emotion may include taking corrective measures to turn a negative emotion into a positive feeling. Such corrective actions can include setting a healthy boundary, meeting your unmet needs or goals, soothing your old triggers, or not judging yourself harshly. In addition to this, consider seeking professional support, if required to help improve your emotional well-being, and process the emotions healthily. These professionals can offer tools and techniques that can help you through the process of emotional healing and growth.

Alternatively, this step involves doing what you must to cater to your emotions and feelings. It is a human need and needs fulfillment, like every other need.

How do I deal with Unpacked Emotions?

A significant concern is dealing with packed, raw, and bottled-up emotions. It means hiding or pushing down your feelings for so long that it has turned you into a negative person. You might experience frequent emotional outbursts if you do not address past emotions.

If you cannot express or process your emotions in the right and healthy way, you must seek a professional’s help. A therapist’s guidance can do wonders for you. They will help you deal with deep-rooted emotions step-by-step so that you do not overwhelm yourself.

In the end, you will feel much lighter, happier, and more positive about your life. It will help you let go of it to move forward in your life.


Emotions aren’t what define you; they’re what guide your life, and if you repress them, they’ll do so without your knowledge. So, remain receptive to whatever thoughts, feelings, and experiences come your way. Healthily processing your emotions involves identifying your emotion. Turning negative emotions into positive feelings may not be easy. However, it is necessary for sound emotional intelligence and a better life.

Sharing is Good Karma: