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Hyperpigmentation can be caused by sun exposure, inflammation, injuries, hormonal influences, and age. While it is often a harmless side effect of these said conditions, its appearance can put a damper on your self-esteem and, consequently, your quality of life.

There is nothing wrong with having hyperpigmentation on certain parts of your body. However, if you want to reduce the appearance of dark or discolored skin, there are a lot of ways you can do so.

Here are some of the most effective solutions to get rid of dark spots in certain parts of the body.

hyperpigmentation on face
Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

Bikini area

The bikini area is sensitive and is thus a common spot for hyperpigmentation to occur. This is especially true for people who shave, use harsh washes, or constantly wear tight underwear. The additional stress around this area can irritate the skin and cause it to darken, which may be difficult to address in the long run.

To prevent darkening of the bikini area, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Avoid shaving. If you must shave, use a one-blade or two-blade razor and apply shaving cream to minimize irritation.
  • Be careful with waxing. Waxing can also cause darkening in the bikini area. Before waxing, use a benzoyl peroxide wash to reduce bacteria that can cause inflammation.
  • Consider laser hair removal. Compared with shaving and waxing, laser hair removal is long-lasting and puts the least amount of stress on the skin.
  • Avoid tight underwear. The constant friction can cause darkening in your bikini area as well. To avoid this, opt for loose and soft cotton underwear.

If you already have hyperpigmentation around your bikini area, try using bikini area whitening products that are non-irritating and contain little to no harmful chemicals.


The most common causes of hyperpigmentation on the face are sun exposure and acne. However, it can also be caused by hormonal changes brought about by pregnancy and periods. Luckily, there are a lot of ways you can avoid hyperpigmentation on the face and reduce its prominence:

  • Avoid popping or picking at injuries. If you have wounds or pimples on your face, avoid popping or picking at them to prevent dark spots.
  • Wear sunscreen. Protect your face and body from the harmful effects of UV rays by consistently wearing high-SPF sunscreen every time you go out, even if it’s not particularly sunny outside.
  • Use hats. Put an extra barrier between your face and the sun with a hat, especially when the weather is extremely hot.
  • Go to a dermatologist. A dermatologist can help you determine the best ways to address hyperpigmentation and the things that cause them, be it acne or the hormonal effects of pregnancy and birth control.


Another annoying spot where you can experience hyperpigmentation is the underarm area. Similar to the bikini line, hyperpigmentation can occur in the underarms due to shaving, waxing, and wearing tight clothes. Thus, the best ways to minimize or address the darkening in these areas are as follows:

  • Opt for laser hair removal. Underarm hair grows fast. If you want a more sustainable way to get rid of hair in this area, laser hair removal is a better option than shaving, waxing, or plucking.
  • Avoid using harsh deodorants. The harsh chemicals in deodorants can irritate the skin and cause hyperpigmentation. If your current deodorant is causing irritation, use organic or all-natural products instead.
  • Avoid tight clothes. Wearing clothes that are tight around the underarm area can cause friction that eventually leads to hyperpigmentation. Avoid wearing tight clothes. Instead, choose ones that are loose around the underarm area. Better yet, wear clothes that do not touch your underarms at all.


Hyperpigmentation on the stomach is a common side effect of pregnancy. Although you can apply special creams made specifically for reducing the appearance of stretch marks, it would be better to seek treatment from a cosmetic professional. If you suffer from abdominal hyperpigmentation due to pregnancy, consult with your dermatologist right away to determine the best way to get rid of the problem.

Finding the Right Treatment for You

In general, hyperpigmentation in any part of the body can be addressed with either topical treatments or cosmetic procedures. Finding the type of treatment that works for you may require trial and error, so it’s best to consult with a professional before trying one. Here are a few examples of treatments that you can try:

Topical treatments (products that contain)

  • Vitamin C
  • Kojic acid
  • Corticosteroids
  • Retinoids
  • Hydroquinone

Cosmetic treatments

  • Chemical peels
  • Microdermabrasion
  • Laser therapy
  • Intense pulsed light (IPL)

Each of these treatments may have corresponding side effects, so be sure to talk with a dermatologist or skin specialist for the best course of treatment.

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