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Any accident’s aftermath can be perplexing, but knowing what to do following a ridesharing accident can be particularly challenging. Rideshare companies have completely changed how people get from point A to point B. Unfortunately, a catastrophic injury from a rideshare automobile accident could ruin your day and change the way you live.

There are changes in how rideshare claims are pursued, including which insurance policy covers your medical expenditures, even though many stages are similar to those in a typical motor vehicle incident. Click here to know more about filing a lawsuit against a rideshare company and the benefits of hiring a lawyer for your rideshare accident case.

rideshare accident
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Examine yourself for damage

Calling 911 to send police and emergency medical personnel to the location of an accident is the first thing you should do following a ridesharing accident. Next, make sure you are injury-free. Check additional passengers, the driver, and anyone in the other car for severe trauma if you are able to move safely. Nobody should be moved. If you have only received basic first aid training, do not administer any additional medical care because you could be held responsible for the negligent treatment and unintentionally making their injuries worse.

Receive medical care

Seek medical help as soon as you can. Follow your doctor’s advice; it’s important for your health. It can also help your claim by helping you keep a thorough record of when your symptoms started, how severe they were, and how long you needed to continue receiving treatment. The paperwork you provide is essential for calculating the worth of your ridesharing accident claim because medical expenditures make up a sizable portion of settlements for car accidents.

Compile evidence

Take pictures of the accident scene and your injuries if you are able to do so after being injured. Take close-up pictures of the vehicle’s damage, the seat you were in, and the surrounding roads. This line of evidence can assist in identifying the accident’s cause because the accident scene might be polluted fast. These pictures can be used by a lawyer to ask an expert in accident reconstruction to reenact the collision. Obtain the contact information of all parties involved in the ride-sharing collision, including any on-the-street or in-traffic witnesses. To verify your claims and address issues with the insurance adjuster, your attorney can get in touch with these individuals.

Report the mishap

Even in the case of a minor ridesharing automobile accident, it is imperative to call 911 because a police report is necessary for the procedure. Your case against the rideshare driver or another negligent person may be strengthened by the information supplied in this report. After speaking with everyone present, the police officer(s) will compile their findings in the accident report. If one of the drivers broke the law and caused the collision, they may have to write them a penalty.

Speak to a lawyer

You can gather information and witness testimony with the aid of a car accident lawyer. They are skilled at figuring out how much you should be compensated for your injuries, taking into account future lost wages, reduced quality of life, and continuous medical treatment. Attorneys for ridesharing accidents have dealt with insurance adjusters on numerous occasions and are familiar with their strategies for undermining or rejecting your claim. Your rights to compensation are safeguarded by an attorney.

Coverage for Uber and Lyft drivers

When a driver is actively using the rideshare app, the rideshare company will provide additional coverage on top of their driver’s personal auto insurance, in contrast to taxi systems. The filing of a claim against the rideshare driver and company may be complicated by these coverage discrepancies. You may bring legal action against the driver if they were negligent and the accident was their fault.


The rideshare driver and/or Uber or Lyft policy will cover your injuries, but it’s important to speak with a lawyer to confirm your rights to compensation and get the claims process started soon. For a rideshare plaintiff to fully recover damages, their case must be more sophisticated than the typical auto accident litigation.

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