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Let’s jump right into it. DWI stands for “Driving While Intoxicated/Impaired”, while DUI stands for “Driving Under Influence”. There is no definite answer to whether the two are the same. That’s because while some states consider them to be the same, some consider them different.

Sometimes, depending on the state, instead of DUI or DWI one may even be considered to be:

  • OUI – Operating Under Influence
  • OWI – Operating While Intoxicated
  • DWAI – Driving While Ability Impaired
drink and drive
image: source

Now, no matter what, one needs to know that a DUI or DWI arrest is no joke. Its consequences can be serious and even expensive. It is also suggested to seek legal help as early as possible to reduce the potential consequences. So, in simple words, if you are arrested, hire a DWI defense lawyer immediately. Be mindful of who you choose, as they are the ones who impact your proceedings post-arrest.

Now, going back to the key agenda of ours. DWI, DUI, and their differences.

DWI – Driving While Intoxicated/Impaired

As discussed earlier, DWI may or may not be the same as DUI based on the state. However, when it is different, it is more inclined towards a higher level of inability of the driver. It could be due to excessive alcohol or impairment due to fatigue, sleeplessness, etc. Again, depending on the state it may even be considered as DWAI.

To make it more simple, it has more to do with the driver’s ability to drive than with intoxication itself. The grounds influencing DWI charges can be multiple, including prior offenses, more than the approved level of BAC in the state, injuries, etc. In most states, the Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) limit is 0.08% except Utah which is 0.05%. BAC level is usually figured through blood, sugar, or urine tests.

DUI – Driving Under Influence

In states where it is considered different, DUI is about driving under the influence of not just alcohol but even drugs like marijuana, heroin, cocaine, etc. It may even be by some prescription drugs like hydrocodone and oxycodone.

In the case of DUI, the factors influencing the charges go beyond BAC level, prior offenses, or injuries. The kind of substance used is also a very crucial aspect. There is a set of complicated DUI laws that can help you understand this better.

Consequences of DUI/DWI Arrests

Depending on several factors, as discussed above, the consequences are decided. However, having a good attorney by your side can ease the situation a little. Here’s what the repercussions can look like:

  • Prison Time 
  • Monetary Penalties
  • Suspension of License
  • Community service

And others,depending on the damage caused and the state in which the arrest happened.

As you can see, a DUI or DWI charge can cause a huge shift in your life. While we primarily suggest not to drive under such conditions, we would also recommend you take the right steps if things go wrong. Seek legal help to avoid being unfairly charged or represented. Take an attorney’s help to understand your rights and secure your future better.

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