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Hey there, it’s Kunal Dabi here. Let’s talk about the elephant in the room – the rising costs of advertising. It’s a tough pill to swallow, but it’s the reality we’re facing. But don’t worry, there’s a silver lining. Organic search has become a lifeline for online retailers like us. It’s brought SEO for E-Commerce into the spotlight, making it the most crucial investment for achieving the highest return.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “I’ve made a website, added my products and services, now I just sit back and wait for the sales to roll in, right?” Well, not quite. It’s not enough to just set up shop and hope for the best. You need proper optimization. That’s how Google finds your store. That’s how you create awareness among prospective buyers.

But here’s the catch: optimization is a technical beast. It’s not something you can wing. It needs to be done with an expert, someone who knows the ins and outs of SEO. That’s where you need the help of an Indian ecommerce SEO expert like me. A good SEO expert can effectively use AI strategies and tools to give you the most effective and long-term results.

In this blog, we’re going to dive deep into the world of E-Commerce SEO. We’ve covered all the details you need to be aware of. So buckle up, and let’s explore! 

e-commerce seo
Photo by Igor Miske on Unsplash

What Is E-commerce SEO?

Applying SEO tactics to transactional websites, particularly online retailers, is known as SEO for e-commerce. Planning and implementing optimisations to increase e-commerce sales via organic visibility leads to improved brand awareness, traffic, and, ultimately, more sales. It is known as SEO for e-commerce. 

Why Is SEO For E-Commerce Important?

Now, you might be wondering, why is SEO for e-commerce so important? Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s not just important, it’s absolutely vital for the success of your online store. I’ve outlined two key reasons why this is the case. These aren’t just abstract concepts; they’re real, tangible benefits that can have a major impact on your bottom line. So, let’s delve into these reasons and truly understand why SEO should be at the forefront of your e-commerce strategy.

It is a series of actions to enhance and improve an online store’s ranking in Google search results. If all is done correctly, your catalogue will appear among the first on the SERP when a user searches for a product in your niche.

1.   Higher SERP Rankings

The typical customer journey starts on Amazon or Google, where users may compare goods and costs among different merchants. To beat out competitors who are already in the search stage, it is essential that your website’s rating in the search engine is as strong as it can be and that it stands out from other resources.

2.   Increased Traffic and Conversion Rates

E-commerce optimization will give you excellent conversion rates and free organic traffic. An effective strategy for SEO for e-commerce will assist in optimizing the website’s pages so that they offer the best answers to client demands.

How To Create Your E-Commerce SEO Strategy?

Follow the nine steps below to create a robust SEO strategy for an e-commerce store. These aren’t just random steps; they’re a roadmap, a blueprint if you will, that I’ve used time and time again to help online retailers like you climb to the top of the search engine results. It’s not about quick fixes or shortcuts; it’s about building a sustainable, long-term strategy that delivers results. 

1.    Conduct SEO Audit

An audit of your website’s e-commerce SEO entails looking for the following information:

  • How accessible it is to your intended audience online
  • Which actions can you take to increase visibility?

The performance of your e-commerce site’s search results, strengths and weaknesses, and other factors will all be revealed by doing this audit, which is a crucial initial step in any SEO campaign. 

2.    Gather A List Of Keywords.

Create keyword suggestions for your e-commerce site by using keyword research tools. Make sure to gather a variety of keywords, such as those that are product-focused, long-tail, transactional, semantically related, and subcategory keywords. 

3.    Investigate Your Competitors’ Sites.

You must analyse your e-commerce website and look at your SEO rivals. An SEO competition is a website or page appearing first in your target keywords’ Google search results. 

4.    Improve Site Architecture.

The hierarchical organisation of a website’s pages is called site architecture. Visitors to your website can locate the information and goods they’re looking for when it’s simple to navigate. Additionally, search engines can crawl the website and comprehend how the pages relate to one another. Creating a sitemap and submitting it to Google via Google Search Console can help the search engine understand your e-commerce website. 

5.    Improve URLs.

Your search rankings may be enhanced by including keywords in your URLs. Incorporate the keywords from your list into the URLs of the pages where they belong the most. 

6.    Improve Title Tags And Meta Descriptions.

Technical SEO includes elements like meta descriptions and title tags that combine with site architecture to inform Google about the content of your page. 

7.    Improve Internal Linking.

A sitemap and internal linking work together to simplify for Google to index the website and aid visitors in finding content. 

8.    Improve On-Page SEO.

The content and structure of a website are considered in on-page SEO. Although each sort of page will work differently, several SEO strategies can raise their standard and effectiveness. 

9.    Acquire Relevant Backlinks.

Backlinks, often known as external links, function as a verifying system. Users and Google both regard the pages on your site as valuable if a legitimate, high-quality site directs visitors there. 

E-Commerce SEO Best Practices

As Kunal Dabi, I’ve spent years in the trenches of SEO, and I’ve learned a thing or two about what works and what doesn’t. I want to share with you three of my top e-commerce SEO best practices that have stood the test of time. These aren’t just tips; they’re strategies that can help you build a solid foundation for your online store’s SEO. They’re about more than just getting to the top of the search results—they’re about staying there. So, let’s dive in and explore these best practices together. 

1.    Schedule Regular Time To Improve SEO.

Take the time to maintain your site’s SEO settings, like internal links, meta descriptions, and title tags, as your site grows to contain more content and products. Establish a dependable timetable for this maintenance, such as once a month or every three months. 

2.    Select The Right SEO Tools For Your Business.

You may find SEO tools that can assist you in finding keywords, tracking the performance of your website, researching the SEO of rival websites, and other tasks at various pricing points and with multiple features. Make time to explore the tools that might be most effective for your e-commerce business. 

3.    Hire E-Commerce SEO Services. 

There may come a point when you need to hire e-commerce SEO support to keep up with your company’s changing needs. It’s a good idea to consider all your alternatives, from hiring a full-service e-commerce SEO firm to finding an SEO consultant. 


Although there are numerous ways to set up and carry out an effective plan, it is always important to remember that SEO is a continuous process that will renew throughout your e-commerce operation. Because of this, keeping up with the most recent Google updates and learning about new strategies is a crucial component of the work.

One of the best and easiest ways to keep up with the updates and keep the e-commerce website updated is to opt for the services of SEO Expert. These experts are well-versed in SEO strategies and have hacks that help with easy and long-term optimization. Moreover, the SEO Experts are also updated with the recent AI tools and strategies that help with easily updated optimization.

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