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Simple things like adequate lighting, dry surfaces, and level ground help make sure that people don’t sustain slip and fall accidents. While it might seem very simple and sometimes even obvious, it’s surprising how much they’re overlooked. Poor visibility because of inadequate illumination is one of the most common reasons why people get into slip and fall incidents.

If you do end up getting into a slip and fall accident because of insufficient lighting and poor design, then you might have a right to seek compensation for your personal loss and injuries. A slip and fall accident lawyer can help you determine whether you’ve got a valid claim on your hands.

poor visibility
Photo by Aleksandar Pasaric

How Poor Visibility Can Cause Slip and Fall Accidents

Lighting can have a significant impact on how people navigate through spaces. When there’s poor illumination, you might trip, slip, or fall over something you’d normally see if enough light were present.

When you have proper lighting, you’ll notice or spot the last stairway step or the obstacle or item in the back of the store. When you trip or slip over things you couldn’t see because of poor lighting, the owner of the business or premises might be held liable.

Adequate illumination can protect people from several hazardous conditions as well. An obstacle on the ground or a hole on the floor can still be perilous, even when there’s enough lighting. The poor illumination gives one nearly no chance to see the potential danger. It can also prevent someone from deciding whether they want to risk confronting the hazard in front of them. In each case, lighting results in unsafe conditions and might be the cause of the slip and fall.

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration dictates that workspaces need to have adequate lighting for the safety of workers and customers alike. First aid spaces and offices have a 30 foot-candle minimum.

Retail stores and general construction plants need 10 foot-candles. Stairways and exits, on the other hand, need at least five. These minimum requirements need to be met for customers, clients, guests, and employees to help avoid having to work in perilous environments.

What Happens When There’s No Proper Lighting?

When employers and companies fail to offer adequate illumination, it can lead to slip and fall accidents. In such instances, the injured party has the right to file a negligence claim against the company or employer for providing poor working conditions.

The company or employer whose working conditions are not up to the standards set by OSHA might be held liable for the employee’s or customer’s personal loss and/or injuries.

It’s the property owner’s responsibility to make sure their premises are well illuminated according to the rules and regulations set by OSHA. This helps prevent folks from getting injured. There are instances where such negligence can lead to punitive damages as well.

If you sustained injuries due to a slip and fall accident and it happened because of poor lighting, know that you have the right to seek compensation for your personal losses and damages.

Get in touch with an experienced slip and fall lawyer as soon as you can. Preserving evidence should be your top priority, as you’ll need to prove the accident and the damage it has caused in your life. It’s always good to act as quickly as possible when you find yourself in such dire situations.

With the assistance of a lawyer, a slip and fall accident victim can quickly get on the path to recovery. The lawyer will also defend the victim against the nasty tricks of the at-fault party’s insurance company.

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