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So, taste buds will now dictate your love life? Even though it looks weird, it is true!

It seems like for people using this dating app, ‘What’s up?’ has been replaced by ‘What’s inside your fridge?’ And whoever said that a way to someone’s heart is through their stomach, the proverb looks quite relevant now!


The makers of this new app Refridgerdating has teamed up with Samsung’s Family Hub Refrigerator and it lets you match with the singletons based on what’s inside their fridge.

How does it work?

This cool app lets you take pictures of the content inside the fridge, then the information gets shared on the social media platform. The hungry Samsung fridge owners can swipe right or left based on the contents of someone else’s food preferences.

The app and fridge are also compatible with smart assistant Bixby and alerts you if the door is open or left ajar.

Also, it is incorporated with advanced technology so that one can keep a check on what’s inside the fridge and they do not come across any unpleasant moments where they discover that it has only leftovers and takeaway.

On one of the doors, the fridge has a large touch screen and includes a robot voice assistant, which respond to commands such as ‘read it to me’ and can even ‘play classical music.’ Further, the camera lets you keep your shopping list updates so that you don’t forget to buy any useful item.

The idea originated in Sweden and currently, Refridgerdating is a website and is compatible with all devices.

To know the personality of your potential date through their taste buds tells us so much about the new era of relationships!

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