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Waiting for AC repair when temperatures heat up can be a frustrating and discomfiting experience. Still, by following these tips to stay calm and comfortable while waiting, you’ll hopefully make things less of a burden.

Drink plenty of water throughout the day for optimal body temperature control. Water also has many health benefits, such as helping maintain lower body temperatures.

In addition to staying hydrated, consider spending time in well-ventilated areas and using fans to help alleviate the heat while waiting for AC repair; for efficient AC repair services in Boulder, CO, check out IMS.

ac repair
Image by master1305 on Freepik

1. Insulate your home

Due to drafty windows, people may think their home feels drafty in the summer. In reality, however, their insulation could be at fault, and that could be what needs fixing.

Insulation helps your home maintain an even temperature all year round by trapping heat generated by furnaces inside, keeping it from mixing with cooler, dehumidified air from your AC, and keeping furnace heat from seeping through walls, floors or ceilings into living spaces.

Insulation should be installed throughout your walls, floors, ceilings or attic space to prevent heat leaking into living spaces through roof cracks.

Homeowners often overlook insulation when upgrading their homes, yet it is an essential step towards saving energy and lowering utility bills.

Combining insulation with air sealing for optimal results; to do so effectively, blown-in fiberglass insulation should be placed between floor joists in attics with finished rooms above and between rafters in unfinished attics – when properly applied, it should also ideally cover vented crawl space walls that are above ground.

2. Change the air filter

Filters that restrict airflow are one of the primary culprits behind AC unit malfunction. Regularly switching or cleaning out your filter is key to avoiding this problem and saving yourself from costly repairs, higher energy bills, and reduced lifespan for your AC system.

Changing an air filter is simple, but first, it is important to understand where it can be found. Filters are typically located in an air handler used by air conditioners and furnaces to circulate conditioned air throughout your home; it may also be possible that one exists within an air vent if your home features ductwork.

Before changing a filter, be sure to switch off the power to your air handler in order to avoid electric shock or debris entering your system. Remove your old filter before replacing it with your new one by finding its opening on the rack that usually has an airflow arrow marked at its side – and ensure it fits securely before closing it securely with its cap.

3. Cover the windows

While waiting for your AC repair to be complete, cover your windows to block out the sun’s rays and keep cool by saving money on energy bills. Curtains, blinds, or dark blankets can all work to reduce sunlight entering your home during the daytime hours.

Cover your window air conditioner with a decorative wooden box and decorate it using various materials to make it appear like decorative art. This method will also allow you to continue using it through winter; just be mindful that snow melting could cause moisture build-up that compromises its performance.

Reversing the fan rotation may also help lower your air conditioning’s cooling power by creating a breeze-like environment that keeps your house cooler. Doing this will cause the blades to spin in an anticlockwise direction, producing wind-like winds that keep things comfortable inside your house.

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