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You might have heard this cliche statement that every business, regardless of its size, must have a logo design.

Though it’s true.

However, people usually conflate a brand’s identity with its visual design, which underrates the value of what a proper logo design can do.

You see, your brand’s emblem is not just a visual expression, but it’s a design that blends your values, mission, and philosophy.

It helps separate your business from the saturated marketplace, and once it gains sufficient acclaim, your target audience can simply recognize your brand with just a glance.

logo designer
Photo by Antoni Shkraba

But to create a memorable emblem for your business, you need to consider some factors that drive growth in your business in London, which will be discussed below.

Meanwhile, before you start this process, it’s recommended that you get the aid of professionals like Creato in London, who can carry it out on your behalf.

Why? It requires a ton of blends of hues and contours to come up with the logo’s final design. And these professionals know their job.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into the blog.

Factors Of Logo Design That Boosts Sales

Here is the list of factors that you need to integrate into your logo design to boost your sales:

Identify Your Target Audience

  • Always ensure that you know your ideal audience before drawing a blueprint.
  • Try to find out your ideal customers by doing some deep research.
  • Dig into their social and economic backgrounds. Analyze your competitors.
  • Because, at the end of the day, all this research is about figuring out how to make your specific set of consumers happy.

Be Distinctive

  • A unique design or concept makes your logo unique.
  • If your logo design is exclusively based on trendy elements, mate, it’ll be very tough for your brand to stand out (from the crowd).
  • On the contrary, if your design has a combination of off-beat and on-trend elements, it leaves a lasting impression.


  • Timelessness in the context of logo design signifies its ability to maintain effectiveness over extended periods.

In simpler words, when you begin to design, make sure you ask these questions within yourself:

  • Will it stand the test of time?
  • Or can it survive till the next decade?

Take Coca-Cola’s logo, for reference, which has been around since 1887 with few minor changes.

Note: Always stay away from trendy colors, images, and designs.


  • When you begin to design your logo, versatility needs to be considered.
  • Because versatility is something that seamlessly transcends your logo across diverse platforms and media outlets.

London based Acuity Training do a great job with their logo, check them out here.

Fostering Business Growth in London: Essential Tips for Designing an Impactful Logo

Here are some tips that foster your business growth in London:

Make Sure It’s Readable

You don’t want your target audience to have difficulty reading your brand’s logo.

Because if they find any hardship, then you forfeit two opportunities:

  • They won’t engage anymore with your brand and
  • It doesn’t create a positive impression.

So to overcome these hardships, all you have to do is:

  • Use clear Sans-Serif readable letters.
  • Include block letters.

Trigger Emotions

  • Your design must trigger the emotions of your target consumers.
  • Because the moment you add emotional appeal to your design, it influences your customer’s buying decisions.
  • And this influence boosts your sales.

Never Settle For Less

  • Did you know that 60% of customers typically avoid those brands whose logos are unattractive or weird- says Study Finds?
  • So never settle for those logos that don’t engage your target audiences.
  • Try to improve your logo after conducting A/B testing.
  • Because this test will (actually) portray your brand and let you accomplish your goals.

Consider Negative Space

  • If you want to create a contrast, try to merge negative space in your design.

This negative space gives you a load of benefits, for instance:

  • Makes your logo design more coherent.
  • Customers can easily process the design.
  • Gives your design a breathing room so that you don’t charm too much into your design.

Raise Brand Awareness

  • In today’s alpha generation, it’s tough to raise brand awareness among people due to the numerous brand advertisements out there.
  • Making a brand memorable in the minds of consumers in this saturated market is no walk in the park.
  • So the only way to raise awareness in your ideal customers’ minds is by making your logo look interesting.


Once you’ve clinched how you want your brand’s logo to be, it’s prudent for you to get a second opinion.

After all, this logo is going to be your brand’s maker in London for upcoming years, and you want it to embed timelessness, distinctiveness, and ease of recognition. And this second thought will ensure that everything is on the right track.

But if you still can’t think snappy about what might work best, then it’s time you get the assistance of Creato. It is one of the best agencies for graphic design in London. Give them a call at 07473 736677.

Sharing is Good Karma: