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Wax melts are considered a very new and fancy addition to the retail store because of the scent it produces. Nevertheless, there are a number of people who are not aware of this alternative to scented candles. Though candles are convenient and good smelling, you don’t really want to keep track of the flame that burns. It is often considered risky in places with kids. That is where coco luxe wax melts can be a great option.

Wax melts are also known as tarts or cubes. Mentioned below are easy steps to use wax melts the proper way.

wax melts
Photo by Brittani Burns on Unsplash

1. Wax Warmer

In order to make your wax melts work effectively, you need a good-quality wax warmer. There is a number of styles, shapes, and designs to choose from when it comes to buying a warmer.

However, it will be ideal to use a warmer that is specially designed for melting the tarts. This is because other conventional warmer can reach temperatures that are not very safe for melting tarts.

This will then result in the burning of the scent, which is something that you don’t really want when investing in tarts. It often results in mishaps if you use the wrong type of warmer.

2. Following The Instructions

The next step is to unpack the warmer and read all the guidelines and safety precautions to operate it. Many wax warmers use a bulb, while others use a ceramic heater incorporated into the warmer to melt the wax. 

If your electric warmer came with a bulb, ensure the covering from around the bulb is removed before you begin melting. Thoroughly clean the wax warmer or use a liner on the warmer to keep it clean.

If it has a silicon dish, then you won’t need to line the dish with paper. If you got the product unassembled, just follow the simple instruction given. 

3. Placing Tarts in the Warmer

Look if your wax melts, cubes, or tarts have previously been broken down into smaller pieces before using them. If not, then simply break them into small pieces that can easily fit in the warmer’s dish.

It is recommended to use only one wax cube at a time, but if the melts are small, you can do it 2 to 3 times. After you have added the tarts into the warmer, avoid adding water or oil over it.

Then turn on the wax warmer and allow the wax melts to melt completely. After around 5 to 7 minutes, depending on the size of the tarts, check if it has completely melted.

The consistency should feel like a thick liquid but be careful as it is extremely hot. Use a wooden stick or spatula to test this.

Set an automatic timer for as long you want it to stay on. While the wax continues to stay warm and melted, enjoy the pleasant aroma it spreads in the space.

After the warmer turns off, automatically allow the tart to cool down and solidify. The tart does not evaporate, and it’s the scent that is spread, so you can reuse the tart as long as it keeps giving a good scent. Always store your wax melts in cool and dry places as any contact with other kinds of liquid can contaminate them.

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