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While some top students make academic excellence look easy, taking a top spot in school is hardly ever a mean feat.

Many top students will readily admit that it takes a lot of hard work and commitment to do well semester after semester. But, the good news is that by applying certain principles and rules to your school life, you can also improve your grades and become a top-tier student in your class.

best student
Photo by javier trueba on Unsplash

So what is the secret to success? Here are some actionable tips for setting you on the right path.

1. Complete All Your Homework and Assignments

Most assignments given during the semester are graded towards your final grade. It helps you complete all homework and assignments diligently so you can rack up as many points as possible.

To keep up with competing deadlines, note down every bit of homework or assignment as soon as it’s issued. Despite your efforts, you cannot complete any; websites that do your homework can be a lifesaver.

2. Attend All Your Classes

Granted, you will miss a class or two here and there due to unavoidable circumstances. However, make every effort to attend all classes as this has multiple benefits, including;

  • You are more likely to keep abreast of all subjects you are studying
  • You dodge knowledge gaps that develop due to missing out on essential bits of information
  • Some colleges give attendance points. You get to maximize on these by attending all lectures
  • You get to take down your notes in a language you will understand during your private study time

3. Learn Actively

Sitting in lecture halls listening passively to a lesson can be tempting. Unfortunately, this won’t get you very far.

Instead, try and listen actively, focus on words and messages, and connect to different concepts. On the other hand, avoid zoning off or focusing on the lecturer’s mannerisms, accent, dress, etc.

Similarly, try and participate actively in discussions, ask questions, and note important points.

4. Get Organized

Having some order about things is essential in clarifying tasks and even helping you think clearly.

Some changes you can implement to help you stay organized include;

  • Use a planner to keep on top of all your deadlines
  • Create a designated study area with a comfortable chair and good lighting
  • Declutter your desk and dorm room
  • Organize digital study files by name for easier identification and access

Being organized helps you accomplish more things much faster, which will work great in your quest to be a top student.

5. Create A Study Schedule

A study schedule helps you plan your time by providing direction on what you should be doing and when.

To get started on this, create a timetable with days of the week and time, then fill in your lectures; this will allow you to see open slots in your day and week.

Fill in the different classes you need to study privately for, group study sessions, and assignment time. After these are in place, follow the schedule to the latter, even when you least feel like it. Discipline is key.

Nonetheless, carve out some leisure, rest, and workout times. Being a good student is impossible if you are not emotionally, mentally, and physically healthy.

Final Thoughts

While you might be dead-set on becoming a top student, making the above changes might not be accessible in the beginning; this is understandable.

However, the goal will be to implement these steps and stick with them even when the going gets tough. The results will be well worth it.

Sharing is Good Karma: