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The components of food necessary for the perfect growth and development of the human body are termed nutrients. What are these nutrients required for the human body? Fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, roughage, water, and fiber are the essential nutrients needed for the human body. These nutrients actually play a vital role in sustaining life and furthering the development of the human body. There is a list of a wide variety of nutrients required for the proper growth of the human body.

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Apart from different food components that keep you healthy, even proper sleep can also keep you healthy, and you would need a suitable bed with a comfortable mattress, pillow, and blanket to sleep in. The blanket type and blanket size play an important role in getting you a restful sleep throughout the night. There are a wide variety of blanket sizes that begin from Lovey, baby to Twin, double, king, and queen.

food components
Photo by Ola Mishchenko on Unsplash

Nutrients And Their Functioning

  • Calcium, Potassium Iron

The nutrients required by the body must be balanced appropriately for proper functioning. The three primary nutrients needed by the body are calcium, potassium, and iron. Phosphorus and calcium are the two secreted by the bones. Potassium is required for all the biochemical activities of the human body, and it is also essential for maintaining the average level of blood pressure. Potassium consists of two molecules, namely, “K” and “S” attached.

Iron is an essential nutrient for developing strong nails and teeth. It is also needed in the process of manufacturing many enzymes. The bones and the nails absorb the mineral calcium, and if taken in adequate quantity, it prevents deficiency diseases like scurvy and beriberi. On the other hand, iron deficiency diseases are combated by the intake of phosphorus.

  • Protein

Proteins: They are the most common of all nutrients and the most important to human health. They provide the essential nutrient requirements for the body. Meat is the primary source of proteins. Other sources include beans, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. Carbohydrates are known as the primary sources of energy in our diet. They are the second most common source of dietary energy after protein.

  • Fats

Fats consist of monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, and trans-fats. Monounsaturated fats are found in nuts like olive oil, sesame seeds, canola oils, safflower oils, soybeans, etc. Polyunsaturated fats come from vegetable oils like avocado, cottonseed oil, olives and flaxseed oils, palm oil, hemp oil, etc. Trans-fats are present in margarine, butter, shortening, hydrogenated oils, and mayonnaise. Essential nutrients such as cocoa butter, raw cacao, nuts, and pistachios provide nutrients and calories to your diet.

  • Saturated fat:

This is one of the most critical components. It decreases the LDL or bad cholesterol intake and increases your body’s HDL or good cholesterol intake. Foods rich in saturated fats are tomatoes, canned fish, French fries, saffron, nuts, cheese, and whole milk. Low in saturated fat foods are nuts, avocados, berries, and whole-grain cereals.

  • Carbohydrates:

Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates contain three essential nutrients; vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids. Vitamin B complex, vitamin E, and vitamin K are present in fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates are required for maintaining good health. When these nutrients are actually present in a balanced combination, your body will manufacture new cells and organs. It will be able to utilize energy or store energy for later use.

  • Vitamins

There are certain minerals and vitamins like B complex, vitamin A, vitamin C and E, riboflavin, folate, and folic acid that aid in preventing deficiencies. The components of food like vitamins and carbohydrates are mixed with other nutrients to make them complete. The main features of these nutrients include vitamin C, B complex, beta carotene, vitamin B12, riboflavin, folic acid, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Due to their mixture of these nutrients are considered the main ingredients of whole foods.

These nutrients help in preventing deficiency diseases. The main component of dietary fiber is choline which aids in absorbing a wide range of nutrients. If the choice is in the form of liquid in edible arrangements, then it helps in absorption. The other components of vitamin B are vitamin B12 and folic acid that are also beneficial in preventing vitamin B deficiency.

Apart from different components of the foods that keep you healthy, it would help if you also had proper sleep to keep you healthy. It would actually help if you had a comfortable bed with a comfortable mattress and pillow to sleep in to have a sound sleep. The comfort of a pillow depends on the stuffing it is stuffed with. There are various types of pillow stuffing, but the most popular and comfortable ones are made of down, Polyester fiberfill, feather, memory foam, etc.

How Different Food Helps In-Sourcing Other Vitamins And Minerals

The components of different foods also help in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It has been observed that the minerals and vitamins aid in keeping the total balance in the body system. It would help if you actually ate a balanced diet consisting of primary nutrients like fruits, vegetables, pulses, cereals, legumes, meat, dairy products, etc. There will be a proper distribution of nutrients throughout the body or you can also use an online Indian grocery to get your supply of food for the essential vitamins.

These nutrients and vitamins help maintain a proper balance in the body and act as great stimulants. There are many benefits of consuming such foods, including having a better vision, improved immune system, less chance of developing cancer, and even keeping the weight under control. Some foods are rich in minerals and vitamins, like seafood and green leafy vegetables. Other than these, whole foods like grains, nuts, seeds, fruits, etc., also contain vitamins and minerals. The components of these foods help in keeping the hormonal balance which is very necessary for life.

It can actually be seen from the above discussion that almost every component of food plays a vital role in ensuring the optimum health of an individual. However, the type of food consumed and the quantity each individual eats play an even more critical role in ensuring good health. A well-balanced diet is a must for living a healthy life. You can take the help of health supplement specialists who can advise you on what kind of diet would best suit your body and the types of nutrients you can take as supplements to help prevent any deficiency diseases.

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