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When a former criminal offender breaks the law and goes back to prison, it is called recidivism. No one knows why it happens since there are several factors involved. Since there is no specific reason why this happens, experts attribute it to economic, personal, lifestyle, and sociological factors. If you want to know why most ex-convicts find themselves back in prison, this is a great post to read.

1. Social interactions

As much as you want prisoners to be rehabilitated, you cannot help who they interact with. While the inmate might have been in the company of amateur prisoners before incarceration, now they are in the company of experienced and hardened criminals. They will learn from them and improve their skills. One they get out, they will try using their skills to be better criminals and go back to prison.

2. Lack of employment

When a prisoner is released, they are expected to become productive members of society. However, getting a job is harder than you think since most people are conservative when it comes to hiring ex-cons. There are hundreds of stories about ex-cons who went back to crime because they could not get employed. If they knew they could get meaningful employment, they would not have a reason to go back to crime.

3. Desperation and depression

Being incarcerated puts a strain on the mental state of the criminal. Without proper treatment, the inmates struggle to get back to their normal lives. They also experience stigma and lack of support which makes them prone to depression. In an attempt to escape reality, they can end up getting into drugs and going back to crime so as to cope.

Lack of employment, stigma, and lack of support can make the ex-con desperate. With no income, they do not have a way to sustain themselves. This makes them turn to crime as a way to get the extra income.

4. Incarceration does not solve the problem

Many correctional institutions state their goal is to rehabilitate and treat inmates. However, from what is observed, most inmates do not get the most out of rehabilitation. Another thing that contributes to the failing rehabilitation system is the fact that millions of people who go to jail have some kind of mental issue. The fact that the mental issues and rehabilitation are not addressed makes the inmates more likely to be repeat offenders.

Instead of only punishing the criminal for the crime committed, they should look for the reason the crime was committed and look for ways to prevent it from happening again. That is the only way a person can fully reform.

5. The society

When one serves a long sentence, it is normal to get overwhelmed when they are released. The new-found freedom can be overwhelming and can make them anxious. To help them cope, they can resort to drug abuse which makes them more likely to commit crimes.

6. The company they keep

Show me your friends and I will tell you the kind of person you are.” When an inmate is released, they tend to hang out with the same circle of friends. This makes them more likely to go back to crime. Another reason is that it is hard to find new friends especially if you are an ex-con since people shy away from them. If they were part of a gang, leaving is hard since they fear there will be some kind of retaliation. Changing the company they have can help since they will not go back to the old habits that got them into trouble in the first place.

To help reduce the number of people becoming repeat offenders, there is a need to focus on rehabilitation and treating mental illnesses. That way, the person will come out being reformed. The focus of prisons needs to move away from punishment.

Also, society can play a part by providing a conducive environment where the ex-cons can thrive. Providing employment opportunities and giving them support can go a long way in reducing the challenges they experience that make them turn to crime. There is a need to raise awareness on recidivism so people can see how serious it is. Improving the prison system is the first step and the next is changing the image the society has of the ex-cons.

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