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While newbies can succeed in pursuing their dreams as an entrepreneur all alone, it is a fact that having a mentor, or knowing someone with tons of experience, will help you save time and money. Mentors are extremely valuable because the mentor can guide you towards taking steps in the right path and help you get connected with investors to further your business endeavors. A mentor will also help you learn the proper ways to pitch your product or service in front of investors in under thirty seconds so that you don’t run the risk of being irrelevant.

The agenda of a mentor is to challenge you to see things from different perspectives and to prepare to become a success.

Mentors And Wealth

Believe it or not, it is not your mentor’s responsibility to make you rich. As an entrepreneur, your goal is to believe in your own ability to make yourself rich by believing in your product or service first. When choosing a mentor, always choose someone that reflects the lifestyle you desire.

mentoring software

A good mentor wants to see you win but cannot run the race or fight the good fight for you. A mentor should also be up to date with the latest approaches to finding joint venture partners, etc. Your mentor is supposed to paint a logical and realistic picture of outlined sources step by step to promote your product effectively. Find a mentor that is an example. Mentors may even be valuable in helping you invest in currencies such as Iraq currency.

Social Media Leader

Depending on the type of product or service you offer, your mentor should consider developing you as a social media leader. As an entrepreneur, you are the voice of your product. Knowing how to speak in front of a crowd or audience to convey the benefits of your product is important.

The act of consumers engaging with businesses is on the rise. It is a fact that if you can become the voice of your product or service and find methods to engage with your audience, you will have a greater potential reach and sales force.

While it isn’t fair to assume mentors rush you into accomplishing your goals, it is the mentor’s responsibility to see you fulfill your goal in a timely manner. Mentors know how valuable time is and can almost predict your future based off of timing.

What Is An Investor?

An investor is a business or individual that seeks opportunities to invest his money to receive a return on his investment in the future. For this reason, a start-up business needs a mentor to help him understand from perspective what the investor is looking for.

Some investors know the signs of a successful start-up business and will take the risk of investing in the product or service. It always helps the investor if the entrepreneur has a sales performance sheet to prove his product is already profitable according to facts.

The savvy investor wants to invest in a company that has been around for a while; this proves stability. While the investor has an expectation, he should also be realistic in understanding the investment from an economic perspective. Will this product survive in a tough economy? Do people need this product or do they want it? The answers to these questions will determine whether or not you receive investors for your start-up business.

Stay Organized

Be prepared to sit down with your mentor. Staying organized is motivation for your mentor. When having a meeting with someone you look up to, always request no more than 10 to 15 minutes of the mentor’s time. Of course, this time also depends on the budget both of you have agreed upon. The goal here is to make the most out of your time each time you get a session with your mentor.

Emailing them the day prior about what the discussion will be about will help your mentor prepare in advance. Be specific in obtaining the sources where you can find investors. When you do identify those sources learn about them.

Always remember your mentor wants the best for you and stay positive.

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