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Digital detox refers to a set time when a person refrains from using tech tools such as televisions, smartphones, computers, social media sites, and tablets. When you “detox” from digital devices, you tune yourself to focus on real-life, human social interactions without any distractions. No matter how temporary, a digital detox will help you let go of the mental stress caused by constant connectivity.

Yeah! I get it. Very few things are scarier than relinquishing your digital devices – imagine staying for a while without Wi-Fi, smartphones, TV, or any tech devices. But it can be an enriching experience.

digital detox
Photo by Kalen Emsley on Unsplash

Disconnecting from technology and spending more time, in reality, has a myriad of benefits. This article will discuss 10 reasons why you should do a digital detox.

Here are some signs that you might need a digital detox:

  • You feel stressed out or anxious if your phone goes missing
  • You’re compelled to press your phone every few minutes
  • There’s the feeling of anxiety, depression, or anger after spending time on social media
  • You’re so focused on your social posts’ comments, shares, and likes.
  • You feel you’re missing out on something if you fail to check your device often
  • You sleep late or get up very early to play on your phone
  • You can’t concentrate on one thing without checking on your phone at intervals.

10 Reasons Why You Should Do a Digital Detox

Being immersed and connected in the digital world is a part of daily life for most people. A study by the Nielsen Company suggests that the average American adult spends at least 11 hours daily watching, listening to, interacting with, or reading the media.

There are many good reasons to give up your addiction to your mobile phone and other tech devices. There are several ways to enjoy yourself without the distraction and interference of your phone. Sometimes, it may occur to you that you’ve used these devices excessively and thus added more stress to your life.

Sometimes, you may have that feeling of addiction to your devices. Yes, technology addiction isn’t recognized in the DSM-5. Still, experts think that overuse of technology and tech devices is a classic form of behavioral addiction resulting in psychological, physical, and social problems.

1. It helps you reconnect with your immediate environment

When you switch off your devices, you’ll have the chance to reconnect with your immediate environment. Disconnecting briefly from technology helps you appreciate the beauty of the world around you. When you take off your headphones, you can experience the sounds and sights surrounding you. This is what you get to experience when participating in a digital detox treat abroad!

2. You can reconnect with your loved ones and those around you

Yes! Most of us use our digital devices to keep in touch with our loved ones. But the fact is, consistent use of tech devices distracts us from connecting with those staying around us. Turn off your devices for a while and allow yourself to enjoy the company of those in your immediate environment. You’ll become more engaged.

3. You’ll discover new hobbies

Consistent use of our digital devices takes up so much of our time, and this is time that you could use to revive an old hobby or discover a new one. So instead of spending more time on your device, why not use the same time to do yoga, draw, read, or do anything else to keep you much more fulfilled?

4. Sleep better

Many studies have shown that digital devices impair our sleeping, mainly used an hour before bedtime. So, by turning off your devices before sleep, you can get a good night’s rest, and you won’t get woken up in the middle of the night by something that is not so urgent.

5. It helps you take time off for yourself

Your digital device gets you hooked and connected to the web at all times. However, sometimes, you’ll need some time to be all by yourself. When you restrict how quickly you can be contacted, you will be able to relax well while switching off your mind and your devices.

6. Get the cycle broken

Many people have unconsciously developed the habit of checking their phones and other devices at every opportunity. We do it without thinking about it. But this is not a habit you need, especially when it becomes addictive. Getting out of the cycle can be very difficult, but a digital detox will create the right conditions and circumstances to discard this bad habit.

7. Your attention span improves

Building on the previous point, your phone, and other tech devices can be a source of unwanted distraction, which you can get rid of with a digital detox. Whether socializing with friends, at work, or just having some downtime, the light emitted by your phone screen can draw your attention away from anything you’re doing and lessen your productivity, but this can be stopped with a digital detox.

8. A digital detox helps improve your health

Frequent use of digital devices has a significant impact on your health. For example, have you ever experienced neck pain or a headache after spending a whole day hunched at your laptop screen? With a digital detox, you can break these habits and live a healthier, happier life.

9. You’ll relate better to technology

That you’ve decided to do a digital detox doesn’t mean that you need to do away with technology for the rest of your life. On the contrary, a digital detox will stop you from depending heavily on your devices. It will also highlight when and how you benefit from these devices, meaning you will be conscious of how much you use them.

10. You enjoy life better

Consider all the reasons we’ve listed in this article, and you will understand perfectly how much good a digital detox does to you. You will be happier and healthier and have plenty of time to enjoy the things that matter most to you.

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