In this rat race called life, what are you actually looking for? Money, luxuries, fulfilled dreams for sure, but what is the core factor that binds all of it together? Thinking hard? It’s happiness, guys. Most of you will say that happiness is a subjective term, and I wouldn’t argue on that. If you were to break it down, happiness is still that tingly feeling you get from doing something that the heart wants. Most of you will say that ticking off items on your bucket list or buying something rather expensive gives you happiness.
But what if I say, happiness is out there, right in front of you. Ask yourself, don’t these following things make you the happiest?
1. When you see your mother smiling and knowing you are the reason behind it.
2. When a baby stops crying, and smiles, on seeing you.
3. When someone trusts you with a secret.
4. When you finally take down your walls and let someone in once again.
5. An old-school bookstore.
6. When you and your friend say the same thing at the same time.
7. A gang of your favorite girls up to no good.
8. Knowing that you can find a best friend hidden in your mother.
9. A kiss in the rain never gets old.
10. A shopping therapy with the shopaholic best friend.
11. When a baby holds your finger in his hands.
12. When you start off with the first item on your bucket list.
13. Seeing the tip on the weighing scale move leftwards.
14. Someone putting a blanket on you after you have fallen asleep.
15. A dance with your love like no one is watching.
16. When people praised the first dish you cooked.
17. The first season of your favorite TV show, realizing how much things have changed since then.
18. Looking through old family albums.
19. The comfort of falling asleep on someone’s shoulders.
20. When someone kisses you on your forehead.
21. Getting drunk with weird and crazy friends.
22. Being in love with your best friend.
23. Falling in love again, especially after you thought you were done with it.
24. Watching 90’s songs and advertisements.
25. When a long-distance relationship actually works.
While you are busy searching for it, happiness has always been all around you in abundance. All you need is to start believing and enjoying the small little moments of life.
Happiness is sharing this post with your buddies, and catching up with them after a long time over a beer or coffee.
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