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When people think of pets, or raising animals, their minds generally leap to dogs and cats. Other animals, reptiles, and birds are often overlooked. Yet, more and more people are leaning towards raising chickens. Some do it because they want a pet that is lower maintenance than a dog, but more maintenance than a fish, whereas others do it for different purposes. Either way, there are actually quite a few benefits to raising chickens, no matter the reason. Keep reading to find out what they are, and whether or not it’s something you should consider.

Image by enriquelopezgarre from Pixabay


Whether you want to challenge yourself to be responsible, or you have children to who you want to teach responsibility, chickens are a great starting point. They require less attention and responsibility than dogs, mainly because they don’t require exercise, but they will definitely help with responsibility, without throwing you in the deep end. If you keep them in a cage, you’ll need to clean that on a regular basis. You’ll also need to take on the responsibility of feeding them. The purpose that you’ll be using your chickens for will determine what poultry feed you get.

They lay eggs

Of course, one massive benefit that comes with owning chickens is that you’ll be able to get your own eggs, instead of going to the supermarket. This is great for various reasons. Firstly, you’ll be saving money. Secondly, you know what you’re feeding your chickens, so you don’t need to worry about any health risks when it comes to their eggs. And, finally, you can sell your eggs as an extra source of income. Most households go through quite a few eggs each week, between breakfast, cooking, and baking, so having your own supply is certain to be beneficial. Not to mention that eggs are a source of protein, and you have so many options when it comes to using them. You can make an omelet, or these egg muffins mentioned in a list of quick and healthy breakfast ideas.


You may think that having chickens in your backyard is going to mean your yard will look dirty and unkempt. In truth, chickens will only be good for your yard. Aside from “cleaning up” by eating various little bugs or plants, their manure is an excellent source of fertilizer and can be used as compost. Why go out and spend money buying fertilizer when you can have your own source? Click here to learn more about chicken manure as organic fertilizer.


Aside from selling their eggs for profit, you can actually sell your chickens. You can go one of two routes in doing this: either you can just sell any chickens or chicks for people to raise as pets, or you can start actively breeding your chickens for specific purposes. The second option will take much more effort, but you’ll be able to sell them for more money. Keep in mind that doing this will require some knowledge on how to breed chickens for certain purposes, such as breeding chickens for egg production.

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