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Starting on the lively streets of New Orleans, craps has become a go-to casino favorite, hooking players with its high-speed thrills and the chance to score big wins. But here’s the kicker – amid all the cheers and groans around the craps table, there’s this cool and quite mysterious thing going on: the superstitions that players swear by. From funky rituals to lucky charms, the craps scene is loaded with beliefs that amp up the mystery factor in this exciting game.

craps casino tables
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk

First Timers Unlucky & Lucky

Now, let’s talk about a classic superstition. Believe it or not, being a newcomer to the game can carry some superstitions. Not all first-timers of this game are lucky or unlucky. But many experienced players believe that the male craps rookies are often seen as a bit of a jinx, and some bettors might steer clear of placing any bets when they’re the ones rolling the dice. 

On the flip side, female newcomers are considered the good luck charm. People tend to get more into the game when a lady newbie takes her turn at the dice. It’s a quirky superstition that adds a touch of fun to the craps table dynamics.

Avoid Speaking Of The Devil Number 7

It turns out that it’s not just about the number itself, but actually saying it out loud that can bring on some bad vibes. Weird, right? Some players nickname it “the devil,” while others just refer to it as “it.” 

But here’s the twist: no matter what you choose to call it, actually saying the word “seven” during a game of craps is considered a serious no-no when it comes to luck. Apparently, uttering the number is considered a bad luck move, especially when it’s the one players are secretly hoping for the most. 

Don’t Bother The Shooter

Now, here’s a bit of craps etiquette you might not know about – it’s considered a serious jinx to chat up or even touch the shooter when they’re on a winning streak. So, even if you’re tight with the person rolling the dice, it’s best to zip it and keep your hands to yourself until their turn is done. Interfering with the shooter’s mojo can mess up their flow and bring on some bad luck.

If you want to enjoy a game of craps without getting in anyone’s way, the best way is to head over to ยูฟ่า777, an online casino platform. Whether you prefer the live casino experience or the online version, the best part is there’s no need to fret about bothering the shooter. With no physical interactions, you can roll the virtual dice hassle-free and enjoy the game without any worries.

Don’t Change The Dice

Again, when a shooter is on a roll, don’t mess with their winning streak. That means sticking with the same dice—no changing them, no letting them leave the table, and definitely no one else getting their hands on them. 

The reason behind this superstition is as straightforward as it gets – if it’s working, don’t mess with it. Leave those dice untouched, and let the good vibes keep rolling. It’s all about maintaining that winning momentum and not tempting fate by introducing any unnecessary changes. So, when the dice are hot, let them ride!

Don’t Aim To Be The First Player Playing 

While you may want to become first in life, avoid thinking so in the game of craps. The reasoning? Being the first to dive into the action or the only one at the table can be considered bad luck.

Just wait for someone to warm up the game and the dice before you step in. There’s this belief that the energy needs to build up a bit before things start swinging in your favor. So, when it comes to craps, being fashionably late to the table might just be the key to avoiding any potential bad luck.

Play Mindfully And Take Back Your Winnings!

Craps are more than dice-rolling; it’s a wild ride of beliefs shaping players’ journeys. With its lively vibe and action-packed gameplay, it is like a breeding ground for superstitions that spice up the casino’s thrill. With each roll, a unique blend of player beliefs transforms the game into a captivating spectacle where chance, skill, and superstition collide. It’s casino magic in action!

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