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The college experience can be challenging. Passing a college course can seem like the hardest thing ever. Part-time students or distance learners, in particular, find this to be especially true. It is not uncommon for them to think that studying isn’t for them or they are too exhausted to continue as they contemplate throwing in the towel. 

You should not give up yet, though! Keeping yourself motivated and working smarter can help you pass college courses. You can help yourself with all of those things by following this guide.

college degree
Photo by MD Duran on Unsplash

Take an Interest-Driven Course

It is crucial if you want to pass your college course. A subject that you are not interested in makes studying harder. 

Studying will become much more enjoyable if you enjoy the work – and you’ll be much more likely to succeed!

Establish a Goal

Establish a realistic study schedule and a realistic goal. Create a planner and list all steps. 

When planning a study session, aim to understand the material thoroughly enough to speak clearly. Is there any reason you can’t pass an exam if you can set a goal?

Start Earlier than Required

Take steps towards completing an assignment, or studying for an exam, even if you have months to go. You will benefit from this strategy for two reasons:

  • It’s easier to put off work that hasn’t started yet. It is always the most challenging step, like jumping into a freezing pool. However, if you began working on the project weeks or months ago, completing it becomes more manageable.
  • Start early on each task or assignment to ease the burden of managing a demanding workload. With this method, you won’t have to worry about piles of work, and you’ll know you’ve already done something for each assignment. Starting your coursework makes it much easier to manage, whether writing an introduction or researching.

Invest Your Time Wisely

It doesn’t matter how much time you spend studying if you don’t spend it well. If you want to improve your study skills, focus on concentrating 100% rather than attempting to learn for an extended period. 

A lengthy study session will only exhaust and demotivate you, especially if the results aren’t what you expected. Rather than focusing on the length of your study time, could you focus on the quality of it?

Keep Going, Even if You See No Gains

It cannot be very encouraging if you take longer than expected to complete your studies. 

Even if you take years, you will get there slowly but surely. It will be worth it when you get there! 

Use Your Most Active Time to Work

Part-time students may often feel that they have nothing left to study after working all day. Make use of your most energetic time of day to learn. Early morning study sessions are an excellent option for some since the mind feels rested and refreshed after a long day. 

Others feel refreshed and awake after afternoon exercise, so they study afterward. Take advantage of that time of day when you have time to spare and get some work done!

Eliminate Distractions

Although this may seem obvious, it is a major stumbling block for most students today. It is easy to get bored in today’s overstimulated culture. Therefore, turn your phone off and log off Facebook during study time! 

It is equally important not to start a new TV series the week before an exam or a deadline for an assignment. Although it may seem silly, this might make the difference between passing and failing your college course. When you’ve finished your exams or assignments, reward yourself with the new series.

Diversify Your Approach to the Same Information

The best way to get through work, commit information to memory, or understand something complex is to approach it differently. Here are some options:

  • Search online for more or different information on the topic you are interested in. Consider sites like for additional downloadable reading materials to enhance your knowledge.
  • Get advice from a professional in your field of study or from an expert in your area.
  • Describe the section to someone else in their own words after reading it.
  • Read your work out loud.
  • Summarize an entire section in one sentence.

As you process information using different brain pathways, you will understand and internalize it.

Create a Test Strategy

Taking an examination involves a few key strategies, including:

  • First, scan the entire test to see what concepts are required. Furthermore, you may find the answers to some questions within other questions.
  • When scanning the test, divide it into sections for time management. Decide what will take the most or least amount of time, and allocate your time accordingly.
  • The instructions may contain helpful tips, so you should never skimp on them to save time. Furthermore, you could waste your time if you don’t read the task instructions-what if they say, “answer one of the following questions,” and you answer all of them?
  • With your test, you can take two main approaches: either section by section or answering the questions you know first, then returning to the ones you are uncertain about. You will recall information better if you approach your test in a second way.
  • Before turning in your test, review your answers to ensure that you have overlooked no questions. If you find an obvious mistake, recheck your work rather than second-guessing yourself.

Motivate Yourself

Reward yourself every time you complete a task for your course or finish a chapter. Whether it’s a fancy meal, a movie, or even some TV time, there is something to look forward to. If you finish your course, give yourself a big fat reward! A positive outlook will help you get through tough times. 

But it would help if you never lost sight of the real prize: completing your course. Remember why you are doing this and what you will gain from it. Every time you feel like giving up, remind yourself that once you have completed your college course, you will get a better job, earn more money, or provide for your family. You can hold on to that whenever you feel like giving up!


That’s it! This comprehensive guide allows you to pass your college courses with flying colors. All it takes is to follow every step to the latter and be consistent.

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