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Effective operation of an air conditioning (AC) unit is critical to both comfort and cost savings for homeowners. How can you know it’s time for servicing?

In this post, you’ll explore signs that suggest your AC requires maintenance, as well as explain its significance as part of a regular servicing regimen. Finally, we offer guidelines on scheduling checkups regularly.

If you need help servicing your AC unit in Phoenix, AZ, you should get in touch with a professional HVAC company that offers residential AC services, like the team at Diamondback.

ac service
Photo by Max Smith on Unsplash

4 Signs Your AC System Needs Servicing

Signs that indicate your AC unit requires maintenance can include weak airflow, strange noises or smells emanating from it, and increased energy bills – these could all indicate it needs servicing. So set an appointment now!

Inadequate Cooling and Circulation

One of the first telltale signs your AC needs servicing is inadequate cooling and circulation – two issues that may cause your home to feel stuffy and unpleasant in hotter months. If certain parts aren’t cooling as effectively as expected, schedule an AC service appointment immediately so we can address any potential underlying problems before they worsen further.

Unusual Noises

Unusual sounds coming from your AC unit may signal trouble. Rattling, clicking or grinding noises could indicate worn fan belt or motor bearing components are malfunctioning. Similarly, hissing sounds could indicate refrigerant leakage with banging sounds signaling damage caused by debris accumulation causing refrigerant leakage resulting in refrigerant loss and eventual refrigerant replacement.

Prompt servicing should take place to address potential issues early and save on further costly repairs or replacement costs by servicing immediately when any such signs appear so as to minimize further issues from developing into costly repairs or replacement costs later on down the line.

Foul Odors

If your AC unit emits unpleasant scents, it may be time for service. Foul smells may indicate mold or bacteria growth, reducing air quality and creating health risks; burning smells might signal wiring problems or overheated components and should be addressed as quickly as possible.

Higher Energy Bills

An unexpected spike in your energy bill could be a sure telltale of an AC system in need of servicing. An ineffective unit working overtime to maintain comfortable temperatures often increases both consumption and bills accordingly, while dirty or clogged air filters cause the system to work harder, thus leading to higher consumption and bills.

Importance of Frequent AC Servicing

Regular AC servicing improves air quality by ensuring the system runs efficiently and distributes clean, filtered air. Clean air is vital to our comfort, particularly for those suffering from allergies or respiratory conditions; regular maintenance helps filter out allergens and pollutants for easier breathing and healthier living environments.

When Is It Time To Service Your AC System? — Conclusion

Maintenance helps avoid major breakdowns while improving efficiency, lifespan, and air quality – plan an AC service at least annually before cooling season starts or after significant repairs/replacements to enjoy a comfortable home while saving money in the long run.

By following these guidelines, you’ll enjoy a cozy home while cutting long-term costs!

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