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Dating is littered with mistakes that can ruin your chances of finding the right one. It’s not just about being too needy or too shy, but a lot of small mistakes that you might not even think about. And a lot of times these mistakes can be made in the name of pure instinct and love!

Increase your chances of finding love by avoiding these dating mistakes:

dating mistakes
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

1. You Don’t Know Your Goals for Dating

Do you know why you are dating? If not, that’s a mistake.

But why do you need to know your dating goals? The reason is simple. You cannot choose the right dating course if you don’t know where you are going.

Determine your dating goals. Is it that you want to find love? Discover what you are really looking for in a partner, like shared interests or religion. Write down all the qualities of the person you’re looking for. This will help you narrow down possible matches better. When struggling, you can always rely on professional matchmakers to help you out.

2. You Date Too Few – or Too Many – at the Same Time

It’s a common belief that you should date as much as possible to find the right person. This is only partly true.

On one hand, many people are unable to find someone special because they are not dating enough. But on the other hand, there are those who date too much and without realizing it lose sight of their long-term goals.

The mistake made here is to lose control over the process of finding a partner. So how should you date? To set yourself boundaries that will help you find your soul mate without losing valuable time, consider these rules.

If you are looking for marriage, it’s not recommended to date more than one person at the same time. If you are looking for a long-term relationship, dating one person at a time is ideal. If you’re testing the waters or trying to find out what you truly want in dating or in a partner, then, by all means, see as many people as you like.

3. You Hog the Conversation

Are you good at talking to people? Do you have no problem socializing or are shy? Then most probably, you find yourself hogging the spotlight all the time.

What happens is that some people think the only thing an interested person has to do is go on a date and talk about everything under the sun, including themselves. They believe that by doing this, they will naturally find their soul mate.

The fact remains that you won’t get to know people very well – or at all – if you don’t leave room for them to talk about themselves. In the end, the quality of a relationship is determined by how much two people can give and take from it. If one person gives and the other takes, it’s not a healthy relationship.

4. You Date Someone Who Doesn’t Share Your Interests

Interests and values determine compatibility. That’s why it is a mistake to date someone who does not share the same interests as you have, even if they are very attractive.

You can feel attracted to someone physically, but being happy together for years depends on whether your relationship is built on friendship and common goals. Remember that looks can fade, but friendship and understanding will make your relationship whole.

5. You Stalk the Person You Like Online

Is there someone you like? Do they happen to be on social media? Have you had moments where you said something inappropriate because of your desire to connect with them, without thinking about it first? If that’s what happened or you find yourself acting like a stalker, then let go of that person.

Stalking someone via social media will only make them uncomfortable and put them off. It’s not the best approach to take if you want to get on their good side or show your interest in them. The truth is that most people do not like it when others use their social media to stalk them.

6. You Think That Being Mysterious Is Cool

When it comes to dating, some people think that being mysterious is the thing to do to make you stand out or look cool. The truth is that your secretiveness will make other people feel uncomfortable and curious about what you’re hiding.

You might be wondering why being mysterious can have a negative impact on your dating life. While keeping some secrets is okay, the problem arises when you go overboard and become too private.

Plus, if you’re not meaning to hurt anyone’s feelings or hide something important from them that would affect your relationship with them, then it’s better to be open from the start.

Dating can be a great experience as long as you don’t overdo it and keep these tips in mind.

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