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An essay is usually based on a person’s creative approach to uncovering the task posed in the source text, which should be confirmed by arguments and facts. Today, writing an essay has become a very common way of presenting the author’s point of view due to its miniature content and with the maximum possible expression.

Essays are written by school graduates, applicants during creative exams, students, job applicants for employment, and participants in various competitions. The task of the essay, in contrast to the story, is to inform about ideas, explain, convince, and not depict or retell any life situation. The author’s position is clearly expressed in this paper. Essays are also designed to test a person’s writing skills and abilities.

essay writing tips
image source: Pixabay

Since essay writing is widespread and even fashionable today, modern youth need to learn how to write it. In case of any problems and being too busy in school, you can contact such an essay writing service as EssayLib and get high-quality professional assistance from academic writers. 

In this article, we will give you some tips on how to write a good essay.

Recommendations for Modern Youth

We will not give you much advice, but try to focus on three main ones, which will be most useful for you:

#1. The determination of the main problem 

Before writing an essay, you should clearly identify:

  • Purpose (opinion on an actual problem or argumentation of a position). First of all, you need to read the topic and reflect. Think about what interests you in this topic, try to dwell on this, use your life experience and fully reveal your vision of the problem. This stage is very important, here you determine the main problem of the essay, after which you can begin the main work on the assignment;
  • Audience (who is the potential reader);
  • The main ideas that you will justify;
  • The form of presentation of ideas (analogies, associations, assumptions, reasoning, judgments, arguments, etc.);
  • Method of presentation: only the author can determine which method of presentation is most suitable for revealing the topic of an essay. The creative and individual nature of this paper consists in this;

#2. The process of writing

You must understand that the essay in its structure should consist of three parts: introduction (catch the reader’s attention); the main part (give arguments confirming or refuting the vision of this problem); conclusion (draw conclusions):

  • In the introduction, you must state the essence of the problem, present one or two points that require proof. In student essays, it is certainly preferable to dwell on one thesis that requires confirmation or refutation;
  • The main part presents the judgments (arguments) that the author puts forward (usually 2-3), defines the basic concepts used in proposing judgments, evidence, and support (facts and examples). Counter-arguments or opposing judgments are also considered here. So, it is necessary to show why they are weak, and the author’s statement remains valid;
  • The conclusion is an equally important part of the essay. In conclusion, it is necessary to come to certain conclusions that follow after the main part. The main requirement for the conclusion is that it should not be purely formal. The teacher reading the essay should not doubt its necessity. The conclusion should be organically linked to the previous statement;

#3. Checking for errors

After completing your writing, be sure to check out the essay for any errors. If there are any grammatical, orthographical, or punctuation errors – you should correct them. To make it easier, you may also avail online proofreading services to save you precious time. When checking an essay, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Did I answer the question?
  • How clear and precise have I expressed my thoughts?
  • Is my essay easy to read?

5 Typical Mistakes in Essay Writing

Try to avoid the following mistakes during writing an essay:

  • Stylistic (monotony in the construction of sentences; the use of stamps, that is, expressions with a faded lexical meaning and blurred expressiveness; unmotivated repetition in the narrow context of the same word or root words);
  • Structural (lack of a clear structure: introduction, main part, conclusion; incorrect division of the text into paragraphs);
  • Semantic (non-disclosure of the topic; inconsistency of conclusions; inconsistency of argumentation with the stated thesis; lack of detailed argumentation; inability to formulate a problem at the beginning of a statement and make a conclusion at the end);
  • Logical (violation of the sequence of the utterance; lack of connection between the parts of the utterance; unjustified repetition of the previously expressed thought; disproportion of the parts of the utterance; violation of the logical and compositional structure of the text);
  • Orthographic and punctuation. The presence of orthographic and punctuation errors in the text.

So, in this article, we gave you tips on how to write a good essay. Try to take them into account and, most importantly, put them into practice, then you will definitely succeed and create a stellar paper!

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