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It is important for parents to help build confidence in their children. Having low self-esteem can hinder a child’s social development. Children who lack confidence tend to socialize poorly so they often times isolate themselves from their peers and others. Lack of confidence may also result in mental health issues.

Low self-esteem is not classified as a mental health problem, but it has been proven that the way a person feels about themself can negatively impact their emotional and mental well-being. Children with high self-esteem tend to focus on their good qualities and they usually lead happier lives. On the other hand, children who lack confidence often feel like they are not good enough so they are typically unhappy and withdrawn.

confident children
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Low self-confidence may lead to issues such as anxiety and depression. Also, studies have shown that children and young adults who suffer from low self-esteem may develop a drug addiction later in life. It is important to foster a healthy self-image in your child from as early as possible. There are many ways you can help your child become more confident. Here are a few ideas.

1. Encourage children to speak up and do what they love

Being afraid to speak up is one of the most obvious signs of low self-esteem in children. Children who lack confidence are often afraid of letting their voices be heard. As soon as children can speak, they are often told to be quiet or to only speak when they are spoken to. This is a common parenting practice that can cause children to feel afraid to speak up and it needs to change.

Parents should create an environment where children feel comfortable to speak up and speak out. Let them know that their voices and opinions matter too. Also, encouraging children to do what they love will help them to be more confident. Many successful people say doing what you love can help to boost your confidence. Help children to identify what they are good at and focus on that instead of forcing them to do things they have no interest in.

2. Music classes

Taking music lessons is a great way for children to develop a skill while boosting their confidence. Let your children get close to music as early as possible. Start with guitar from allaxess as it is cheaper and easier to learn than other instruments. Music fosters self-expression, so learning to play an instrument helps children to become more confident. Also, children’s confidence will increase as they gradually become better at playing whichever instrument they choose. There are many music classes for kids that parents can sign up for. This new activity might become a lifelong talent.

3. Playing sports

Similar to learning to play an instrument, playing sports helps to boost confidence in children as they learn to master a skill. Playing sports is also a great way for children to meet new people and become more sociable. Sports encourage teamwork, and this means socialization. Children who are often afraid to speak up in class tend to become more sociable when they are a part of a team. They often bond with their peers over their love for the sport. This enables them to develop friendships that extend beyond the team.

4. Encourage creativity

According to The Washington Post, creativity boosts confidence in children. Children who are encouraged to create and repair things with their hands tend to be more confident. Tinkering is a good way to encourage creativity. Parents can allow children to assist with fixing simple things around the home. Also, arts and crafts or woodwork classes can help to foster creativity in children.

5. Performing arts

Participating in performing arts is one of the best ways to help children boost their self-esteem and become more confident. Performing arts encourages self-expression. Children who participate in activities such as drama, dance, and music are often more outgoing. Studies show that children who participate in creative arts are more confident. Children become more confident as the feedback they receive from their teachers or instructors, peers, and the audience help to build their self-confidence. Parents should encourage their children to join a choir, a band, sign up for dance classes, or join a drama club as these build confidence through self-expression.

6. Avoid harsh criticism

A lot of parents tend to be extremely critical of their children and this can negatively impact their confidence. Many people believe that harsh criticism is good for character building. Unfortunately, this can cause your child to develop low self-esteem. Parents should strive to use more uplifting words when addressing their children and avoid harsh criticism. The way you speak to your child can affect their level of confidence.

Sharing is Good Karma: