Life is uncertain, but it promises one thing to all. Challenges.
No matter who you are, life surprises everyone with challenges. It can be a loss of a job, your loved ones breathing their last, or the end of a relationship, to name a few. The way we deal with those challenges sets us apart from others.
Life Beyond Numbers got in touch with Indu Shailaney, who lost her husband to COVID in May 2021. She shared about this most unexpected event and how she is dealing with it to reclaim her life.
“The long-term school friendship finally found a wonderful destination of marriage in 2021. In May, after 2 months of our marriage, we lost him to COVID. It felt like the end of everything. Many questions coupled with grief occupied my mind.”
Whatever happened felt unfair. The bonding of years was instantly broken, and the person was nowhere to be found. Her life lost purpose, and she found it hard to pursue a stable life. The traumatic phase lasted for a few months as she dealt with the pain patiently.
The evolution
Along with coping with our massive personal losses, we also have a society to live in. Different people imposing their opinions about being a widow and losing a husband at such a young age has their own impact. While expressing her way of coping and the behavior of people around her, Indu shared,
“Thankfully, I come from a family where my parents, in-laws, friends, and all the dear ones supported me without judgment. That being my biggest strength, I had the motivation to show up for them. For the love and support they showered me with, I felt that it was my responsibility to heal and pursue a normal life. I had many more roles to play beyond being a wife.”
Her depression will not only impact her but also make her dear ones sad too. Moreover, she did not want to give out a message that the end of someone’s life brings an end to all hopes and desires. She was aware that society was watching her, and it was time to set an example that people remember positively.
Powerful tools
Getting back up and living a regular life is noteworthy. However, practical implementation can be challenging. Indu shared with us some of the crucial factors that helped her in uplifting from the grief and pain.
“I have been practicing meditation for years. It has been helpful in remaining grounded and calm in tough times. However, I needed to add prayer to my daily routine to keep myself calm. The moment I miss him, I resort to prayer. Through prayer, I send him happiness and health wherever he is. This has helped me in allowing myself to heal.”
She never let herself go to a stage emotionally from where she can not return.
Also, read: How To Conquer Your Guilt And Shame – The Art Of Self-Forgiveness
Indu feels that healing is something that takes time. However, there is no such thing in this world that cannot be healed unless you decide that you don’t want to heal. The timings might differ, but always keep hope that healing is happening.
It has been over a year, and she is still healing. However, she knows the direction and is determined to go that way. Years will pass, and she does not want to remain stuck in that phase for the rest of her life. She is willing to play her role as a responsible human being.
She wants to pass on a message to the people around her that…
“No matter what, life goes on. Identify your passion and desires. Just because something unexpected happened, you do not have to punish yourself for it. Life goes on, no matter what.”
We all have our way of sailing through life’s challenges. Indu will emerge successfully from her loss, for sure, and inspire others. How do you fight your challenges?