Have you ever thought about working in a nursing home? This challenging career is not right for everyone, and it definitely takes a unique and dedicated individual to take care of seniors. But with an elderly population that is expected to reach more than 80 million by 2050, the United States healthcare system is in definite need of qualified individuals to meet these needs. Nursing homes will be responsible for meeting a vast majority of those elderly healthcare needs. If you think that this type of job is right for you, this article will provide guidelines on what you should know before you begin working in a nursing home.
Is Your Personality Right for the Job?
Before you begin working in senior care homes near Minneapolis or your city, there are a certain number of skills you will need to have. Do you love caring for those who rely upon you for help? Can you be patient? Many of the seniors in your care will be angry and impatient. Their movements will also be slow and cannot be rushed. You will have to be able to work at their pace in order to deliver the best care possible. If you are impatient and cannot be flexible in your ability to deliver care based on the physical needs of a patient, nursing homes might not be the right place for you.
Do You Have the Right Type of Medical Training?
According to CNA Plus, to work in a nursing home, you will need to have training in patient care, home health, case management, family education, acute care, patient evaluation, and advanced cardiac life support skills. If you do not have any training in these areas, there are a number of entry-level programs that will allow you to get there. For example, certificate III in aged care is a type of course that allows you to get started on a path to working in nursing homes. It provides the type of introduction to health care that can allow you to assume many different positions, such as assistants in nursing, community care workers, aged care workers or individual support workers.
What Advantages are There to Working in Nursing Homes?
According to the Harris School of Business, you will definitely be able to get to know your patients and their families when you choose a nursing home career. This type of personal interaction is not always possible in other healthcare settings and is a major advantage of choosing to work in a nursing home. You’ll also be able to work in a teamwork focused atmosphere. While other healthcare settings can seem focused on individuals taking care of patients, nursing homes emphasize social work, recreational therapy, and nutrition in order to provide the best possible care for a patient.
What Disadvantages Exist to Working in Healthcare?
Although there are many advantages to working in healthcare, there are many disadvantages as well. One major disadvantage is the increase in patient deaths that you will have to deal with as a result of working with an elderly population. Another issue is the fact that many people in the general population will consider nursing homes to be cold, uncaring places where people receive sub-par care. Although this is not true universally, you will have to deal with that stigma regularly.
Do You Have What it Takes?
While working in a nursing home may not be for everyone, there are definitely elderly patients who need your unique care more than ever. If you choose to enter this field, you will have the opportunity to launch a career that is both personally and professionally rewarding.