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CBD has become more widely accepted and utilized around the world as a health product. But what about in India? Let’s take a look at the rules surrounding CBD products in India.

Across the globe, Cannabidiol (CBD) products are becoming increasingly popular and increasingly available, for medicinal and cosmetic use. While a great many countries have now welcomed the sale of CBD products, others have been more reluctant to embrace these alternative remedies. 

cbd india
Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Often CBD products are too closely associated with cannabis, therefore stigma is attached to the usage of CBD products despite the health benefits explored by health professionals. Many are aware of the sentencing guidelines on the cultivation of cannabis and don’t want to be caught up in being accused of drug use.

But is it rational to associate the two substances, and what are India’s rules on it in comparison to other countries? Take a look…

What are CBD Products?

CBD products are items that are made from an extract of the cannabis plant known as cannabinoids which mimic the human body’s own production of cannabinoids. 

The common misconception when it comes to CBD is that it will ‘get you high’ but, this is very much not the case. When smoking or consuming cannabis in its natural form, it’s a compound called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) that produces the high. 

With CBD products, the THC is removed in order to provide the health benefits of cannabis without the ‘druggy effect’. 

There are many different kinds of CBD products available, some of these include:

●      Oil – these products can be used as a tincture or added to drinks and food for medicinal purposes

●      Vapes – these are an alternative to cigarettes and can be loaded with CBD capsules

●      Edibles – a popular method of consuming CBD which includes gummies or sweets

●      Patches – similar to nicotine patches

●      Drinks – soft drinks infused with CBD

In a lot of countries, these products are available both online and in bricks-and-mortar stores, including some health food stores. 

What are the Benefits of CBD Products?

CBD oil and other products are thought to have some significant health benefits and these include:

Anxiety and Stress Relief

Researchers believe that CBD can relieve the symptoms of stress and anxiety by changing the way the brain reacts to serotonin and by promoting natural sleep for those whose anxiety results in insomnia.

Reduction in Epilepsy Related Seizures

Ongoing studies suggest that CBD can be useful in reducing the number of seizures suffered by people with conditions such as epilepsy. A 2016 study of 214 epilepsy sufferers showed that participants experienced a reduction in seizures of 36.5%.

Reduction in Neurogenerative Disorder Effects

Trials are underway to examine the effects of CBD on neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and strokes. 

It’s thought that CBD may be able to reduce the inflammation which causes these conditions to deteriorate, however, no official findings have yet been published.

Pain Relief

CBD is currently used to relieve pain caused by arthritis, spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis, and more.  Some cancer patients have also recorded an alleviation of symptoms following chemotherapy.

Improves Skin Conditions

There are now a number of products available that promise to help with severe skin conditions such as acne as studies show that CBD oil can actively prevent sebaceous gland activity.

Are There Any Side Effects of CBD?

Of course, the number one question when trying anything new is what you can expect in terms of side effects. Although side effects from CBD are rare and usually mild, these can include:

  • Dizziness
  • Depression and withdrawal symptoms
  • Hallucinations
  • Low blood pressure

Again, most people suffer no side effects at all but, if you do, you should consult with a medical professional as soon as possible.

How is CBD Accepted Around the World?

As we’ve mentioned, CBD laws differ from country to country (and sometimes even from city to city). In this section, we’ll take a look at how the land lies in different parts of the world.


The use of CBD was legalised in Australia in 2016, however, access to products is not straightforward. Australia classes CBD as ‘medicinal cannabis’, products are only available through licensed vendors and, often a prescription is required.

Because of this, Australia has experienced some considerable problems with residents buying CBD products illegally.


Spanning a massive 9.834 million km², the United States of America is made up of 50 states, all of which have their own individual laws, guidelines and quirks. When it comes to the sale and use of CBD products, these 50 states are separated up into colour coded areas as follows:

Green States

In these states, CBD products are permitted for sale and recreational use and, Green States include California, Washington (and Washington D.C), Vermont, Michigan and Maine.

Amber States

A little less relaxed than Green States, Amber States, which include Arizona, Montana, New York, New Mexico and Oklahoma allow the use of medicinal cannabis and CBD oil through prescription only.

Amber-Red States

In Amber-Red states, CBD is prohibited other than in specific medical circumstances. Even when prescribed by a medical professional, products must be approved by the state. Amber-Red states include Alabama, Kansas, North Carolina, Wyoming and Texas.

Red States

In just three states in the USA, CBD products are strictly prohibited and these are, Idaho, Nebraska and South Dakota

South America

South America is a mixed bag when it comes to the legality of both CBD and cannabis and, while some countries including Columbia, Peru and Uruguay have very relaxed laws on cannabis products, others, including Paraguay and Brazil only allow access to these products with a prescription.


Apart from South Africa, all cannabis products are illegal in most African countries, however, these laws are rarely enforced by the authorities.

The Middle East

While Turkey, Israel and Egypt take a fairly relaxed view on the use of CBD products, this is by no means the case across the board. For example, possession of cannabis in Saudia Arabia can result in offenders being sentenced to death.

For this reason, visitors should never, under any circumstances, carry any kind of cannabis-based products with them when travelling to the Middle East.


Europe is home to a wide range of countries, including The Netherlands, which is known for many things but, notably, the fact that the use of cannabis has been legal for recreational use since 1976 and is sold in coffee shops.

CBD products are legal in a great many European countries including the United Kingdom, Croatia, Bulgaria, Cyprus and the Czech Republic. Other countries, including Denmark, Iceland and Russia are, however, yet to decriminalise these products.

Historical Use of Cannabis in India

Historically, India is no stranger to cannabis. In fact, traditionally, seeds were added to food during the winter to help keep people warm. 

The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act of 1985 banned the growing of cannanbis in India, however, in 2018, controlled cultivation of hemp was made permissible in Uttarakhand, with many other regions set to follow suit.

What are the Current Rules on CBD Products in India?

The seventh largest country in South Asia, India is known for the spirituality of its people and it’s two primary religions are Hinduism (79.8%0 and Islam (14.2%). 

Indian people are known for adhering to strict religious and moral codes, with a huge emphasis on family. Many laws and religious rituals in India focus on food and drink. Even in 2022, the sale and consumption of alcohol is still prohibited in Bihar, Gujarat, Nagaland and Mizoram.

Drugs of any kind have always been a contentious subject in India, particularly during the last few years when a number of Bollywood stars have hit the headlines due to drugs scandals,

Despite this, CBD products are considered to be a new and exciting trend in India and, as of 2019, Indian citizens are permitted to buy low THC content CBD products for personal consumption without any medical requirements. 

More research is showing more understanding…

As with anything new, global uptake of CBD products at times has been hesitant.  Many feel that this is largely due to a lack of understanding of how these products differ from the use of cannabis.

The good news is that increased education means that more and more people (and governments) are recognising that, as a medicine, CBD can not only be more effective but also more cost-effective than other kinds of medications.

The future of CBD products will undoubtedly be boosted by the results of the huge amount of research which is currently underway, which aims to provide conclusive proof of the health benefits which can be gained from the use of these products.

Please be advised that this article is for general informational purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for advice from a trained medical professional. Be sure to consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if you’re seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. We are not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information on this site.

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