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The health of the mother greatly affects the child’s health since the fetus gets all its nutrition from the mother herself. Once the test result from is positive and it is confirmed that you are pregnant, you should start preparing your body for bearing the child.

You need to take many precautions and adopt a few changes in your lifestyle. The food you eat, the habits you adopt, the environment you stay in, all determine the health of your child. During pregnancy along with some diet changes, you must include certain activities in your daily routine.

exercise pregnant woman
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Exercise during pregnancy.

Exercising regularly benefits the child as well as the mother in various ways. It improves the health and body functioning of the pregnant lady. It also helps in reducing stress and increases stamina and strength. Once the mother is fit and healthy, the health of the fetus will automatically be better.

Exercise and diet along with yoga are important factors contributing to your health during pregnancy. There are certain instructions you should follow while exercising and inform the doctor about the physical activities you perform.

1. Yoga: Yoga helps to relax your mind and reduces stress. Practicing meditative asanas like Sukhasana help you to keep your mind calm and body relaxed. While one should avoid the corrective asanas or asanas that put too much strain on your body.

2. Walking: Brisk walking for about half an hour in the morning or evening is beneficial to you and your child’s health. Walking keeps you physically active and does not tire your body.

3. Swimming: Swimming ensures health benefits throughout the gestation period. The fluidity and buoyancy prevent too much strain on your body and muscles. It is better to avoid hot pools since exposure to a high temperature for long is not good for your child’s health.

4. Aerobics: Aerobic exercises improve your cardiovascular health and tones up your muscles. It is good for the heart and lungs and ensures proper blood circulation.

5. Cycling: Spinning or cycling on a stationary bike improves cardiovascular health, prevent an excessive gain of weight, and does not put too much stress on the joints.

Avoid these exercises

Although exercising during pregnancy improves your health in many ways but exercising strenuously for too long can harm both the mother and the fetus.

  • The exercises which put too much strain on the joints and muscles should be avoided.
  • The exercises that demand to twist and bending should better be avoided as they are not good for the health of the fetus and the mother.
  • Some exercise leads to an increase in body temperature. As higher body temperature has harmful effects on the fetus so, any exercise that is accompanied by a rise in body temperature should not be performed.

Impact of exercising on the health of a pregnant woman and her child.

  1. Exercising keeps the female body physically active and prevents excessive weight gain during pregnancy.
  2. Regular exercise improves your cardiovascular health and improves blood circulation in the body.
  3. Most importantly, the mind and body are relaxed. It relieves the stress and calms your mind. Thus, acting as a stress buster.
  4. It helps to reduce pregnancy-related risks like gestational diabetes.
  5. It helps to cope up with the pregnancy-related gastric discomfort, constipation, etc.
  6. It keeps your body fit and prepares it for normal delivery.

In a nutshell, the health of a child is directly dependent on the health of the mother. The dietary habits, routine plans, and measures taken by the mother during the gestational period are responsible for healthy childbirth. Along with taking care of the nutritional requirements of the body, it is also important to keep track of the physical activities performed every day. Exercising can help you to stay fit and healthy which positively contributes to your child’s health. You can get further information on various online portals. We hope this article was helpful to you.

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