Sharing is Good Karma:

There are times when you completely lose it. Negativity crops in and how. You hit, like they say, the rock bottom. The list of reasons could be cruelly and disgustingly long. Wouldn’t you agree? I mean, 10 years back it could have been missing out on a college picnic to losing someone really close to you. But today, I tell you, life has to offer quite a bit in its unique ways to teach us how bottom could be rock bottom.

rock bottom
image: source

I have been through it myself. And every time I do, I tell myself, it cannot get worse. Guess what, God takes that as some grave challenge and throws something really nasty every now and then – a rock bottom. For me, it basically seems like a dark cave with no sign of human race but only reptiles. Frustration seems like your second name, and guess what, you would be known for your mood swings resulting in the loss of your so-called friends. The irony is, that is exactly when you need someone to tell you, this too shall pass. Hilarious, isn’t it?

Well, let me just say if you are at the peak of this situation and for future reference (yes, I am saying this because it’s ought to happen) – it is absolutely fine, you are just being human. Although, one of the 5 things that might help you to get it through all in the end.

1. Do not over think

Now that is a danger zone. You know how folks would say right, there is a devil and an angel sitting in our heads. Hell, that is true. When you think and over think, clearly your devil takes over especially around this time. These thoughts would invariably make you believe that it might be your fault, you can never bounce back etc… walk you slowly to that cave kind of thing that I am talking about. Well, that is absolutely not where you belong and come daylight, you will find your way out. Let the angel prevail. Think. But do not over think.

2. Do not be too hard on yourself

Well, the situation that you are in today might be completely your fault, oh absolutely. But hey, we are humans for a reason otherwise, monkeys would have been a better choice (monkeying around could have been our favorite thing to do). Look through it, carefully and closely – what you consider a fault today, might actually be a reason you got the balls to stand up for; you should rather be proud. What you consider your fault today, could also be a lesson learned which you refused to learn otherwise or get out of something that is just not meant for you. Think on this and with your angel by your side this time. There is a reason why you are in this situation; you can only connect the dots later.

3. Forgive and move on

Forgiving is underrated, I say. I am a firm believer in Karma and I know it works. But there are so many times, I have my one on one with Karma and really ask if he wants me to take over because it has been damn long, he (Karma) has done something. Didn’t work, never works, and shall never work.

Try this instead. Forgive. Smile. Go visit. Give a hug. Move on. Nothing can be stronger than that and you will not regret.

4. Get ready to bounce back

One of the things that I inherited from my mother is to find a solution – find what next. While Dad would keep being worried, even if the problem is as trivial as having guests at home and there is no milk in the fridge. Life is short to lay around like that and waste it over what has happened and the losses and pains. It is only how we expected life would offer but didn’t quite work out the way we wanted. Does not mean, life has nothing else to offer or we might not want anything else.

Realign your expectations. Re-work. Have a plan. Look forward. Be the doer and you bloody well can change it.

5. Take care of your health, your mental health

While you are there, one of the things that you will always ignore is your mental health. Like the body needs healing, if it must, the scars in your mind also need healing. Flaunt your scars because you need to be healed – talk about it to your closest or to a complete stranger, but talk about it. Pick up the task to take care of yourself. Write something. Meet long lost friends. Do things that make you happier.

Remember, if you are not happy and stable in your mind, you won’t ever be able to make your loved ones around you happy. The choice is always yours.

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Sharing is Good Karma: