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In the hallowed halls of Indian radio, there exists a name that needs no introduction – Ameen Sayani. With the passing of this stalwart at the age of 91, we bid farewell to a titan whose voice echoed through the airwaves, leaving an indelible imprint on the hearts and minds of millions. Today, as we reflect on his unparalleled contribution to the world of broadcasting, we are reminded that his legacy transcends mere words; it is a symphony of nostalgia, a testament to the enduring power of storytelling.

My encounter with Ameen Sayani remains etched in my memory as a defining moment in my journey. It was a day of recognition as I received my first-ever radio award, and there he stood, a towering figure whose voice had resonated through the corridors of time. At that moment, I deeply revered the man whose words had shaped our nation’s cultural landscape.

Ameen Sayani

I remember sharing with him the campaign details for which I was honored, his eyes sparkling with genuine interest as I spoke. In his presence, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe at the magnitude of his influence, at the way his voice had become synonymous with an entire generation’s memories.

Sir,” I said, my voice tinged with admiration, “you are the reason I found my calling in radio.” His response was a humble nod, a silent acknowledgment of his impact on aspiring broadcasters like myself. At that moment, I realized that I was in the presence of a legend, a man whose legacy would endure long after he was gone.

Returning home, I shared the news of my encounter with Ameen Sayani with my family, particularly with my mother, who had been a devoted listener to his iconic show, Binaca Geetmala. Her eyes filled with tears as she recounted the countless evenings spent gathered around the radio, listening intently to his melodious voice.

For me, Ameen Sayani was more than just a broadcaster; he was a storyteller, a magician who wove enchanting narratives through the airwaves. His signature greeting, “Behno aur Bhaiyo,” was a welcome invitation into a world of melody and magic, where every song had a story to tell.

The mention of Binaca Geetmala evokes a flood of memories – of shared laughter and tears, of moments of joy and reflection. Sayani’s ability to seamlessly blend commentary with music, his wit and charm woven into every word, made him a beloved figure in households across India.

But beyond his talent as a broadcaster, Ameen Sayani was a voice of conscience, using his platform to advocate for social causes close to his heart. His words carried weight, his voice resonating with authority and compassion, making him a trusted confidant to millions.

As we bid farewell to this titan of the airwaves, we do so with a mixture of sadness and gratitude. Sadness for the loss of a beloved figure, but gratitude for his profound impact on our lives. Ameen Sayani may have left us, but his legacy lives on – in the echoes of his voice, the melodies he immortalized, and the hearts of all who had the privilege of listening to him.

In the annals of Indian radio, his name will forever be etched – a testament to the enduring power of storytelling and the timeless magic of the airwaves. Rest in peace, dear Ameen Sayani, knowing that your voice will continue reverberating through the hearts and minds of future generations.

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