This ISRO Scientist makes her own cleaners, composts her waste, carries her own cutleries, and uses containers to buy groceries.
Meet Pankti Pandey from Ahmedabad, for whom sustainability is deeply rooted. She grew up with family values of respecting the available resources. However, she started taking it seriously after her daughter was born, thinking about how to provide a clean environment for our future generations.
“Being born and brought up in a middle-class family, we have always been conscious about what we consume. It is in our roots to think before we buy. However, the major shift of being conscious about my waste came when I was 4-5 months pregnant. I read this article about increasing landfills and the harm caused by them. It alarmed me to take responsibility for the waste I created,” shared Pankti with LifeBeyondNumbers upon asking what motivated her.
She began her journey by auditing her home and observing her habits. Recycling was never an option for Pankti; reducing and reusing has always been her priorities. She found that maximum waste was created from grocery bags, empty bottles of cleaners and shampoos, and kitchen waste.
Here’s how Pankti handled the situation.
- Groceries were now bought in containers instead of plastic bags. In case of no other option, she used to buy them in bulk quantity to avoid consumption of multiple bags.
- The kitchen waste was composted, which turned into fertilizer for her garden. Pankti also began community composting in her society.
- She made her natural cleaners, and personal care products to avoid any waste of empty bottles.
Also, read: How This Woman Is Recycling The Used Soaps From Hotels To Solve A Basic Hygiene Issue
The influencer journey
You will find influencers that motivate you to buy stuff and try them in today’s time. Pankti is the type of influencer who tells you to reduce your consumption and reuse whatever you can. Her Instagram handle is filled with tons of DIYs that will help you make your life more sustainable and eco-friendly.
Pankti began sharing about sustainability on Instagram during the pandemic and here’s what she has to say about this new beginning,
“During the lockdown, I got time to scroll through Instagram, Facebook, and other social media platform. Most of the content shared was promoting consumption. Even in the pandemic, people were promoting the ideology of consumption.”
This inspired her to share her habits and hacks of sustainability online. People started appreciating her content as she began the journey and asked for more tips. She felt the power of this platform can be used to raise awareness about sustainability. Pankti continued sharing her practices regularly and soon created a conscious community online with over 2.5 lakh members.
Also, read: This Young Entrepreneur Upcycles Scrap Tyres To Make Sustainable And Fashionable Footwear
The challenges in the sustainability journey
A lifestyle change brings some significant challenges when people surround you. Having a small kid in the house and working as a scientist in ISRO didn’t leave her with much time to do all of it. Still, she managed to be productive and continue with her practices.
Initially, her family requested that she stop making life hectic and buy stuff from the market. Even the people in her office and social circle found it awkward to see her new habits. However, Pankti knew the best way to deal with it.
“I was always determined to do what I believed in. I was sure about what I wanted to do and I understood that people will need time to adapt it. Whenever needed, I politely shared my reason with people and sometimes I gave them the time to absorb my perspective. Never fight against the reluctance of people with anger, show compassion.”
Pankti always believes that kids learn from observing more when it comes to her daughter. She never instructs her daughter about sustainable living, and she regularly observes her mom and learns about sustainability a little bit every day. Pankti wants to lead her daughter by example and not merely by instruction.
Also, read: This Startup Upcycles Plastic Waste Into Aesthetic Products, Enabling Rural Livelihoods
A tip for beginners in the sustainability journey
There’s no one size fits all approach here. Pankti strongly believes that the journey of sustainability depends upon the individual, their job profiles, lifestyles, where they live, and many other factors. The goal should be to identify your lifestyle and see where you can reduce your carbon footprint and cut down the waste.
Pankti will soon be seen working professionally in the sustainability sector. She intends to be the voice of change when it comes to sustainability. Her mission is to do the best of what she can to save our planet for the coming generations.