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As we continue to battle the life-threatening virus, there are still many more precautions that need to be taken, like wearing masks, maintaining physical distance, and sanitization. But what do we do for the better functioning of the body? Since the beginning of the pandemic, everything has been shutting down, time and again, and people are pretty much idle. This is not how one readies their system to face the invader.

With this, the importance of yoga has increased like never before. It has become one of the essential things making way into our lifestyle, helping our body prepare and heal amid the pandemic.

On International Yoga Day, LifeBeyondNumbers got in touch with a couple of people who have been teaching and practicing yoga for years and benefitting from it.

International Yoga Day
Photo by Jade Stephens on Unsplash

Let us meet an expert first.

Gouri Shektkar is a yoga expert who has been teaching and practicing yoga for about 20 years now. Though she has a degree in architecture and continues to design, she is more into yoga. She has garnered several degrees from renowned institutes, including Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana, Isa Yoga Kendra, and much more.

We asked her about Yoga and its effectiveness in immunity and healing. To this, she said, ”Immunity cannot be achieved in one day. There is no shortcut. Only by long-term commitment, and practice does one achieve the right form.

Having said this, she noted down few asanas that we can follow to beat Corona Virus.

Every human need:

  • Strength to fight the disease.
  • Sound neurological system.
  • Blood circulation
  • Good oxygen level
  • Peace of mind

Each of these points can be achieved through Yoga. To begin with the process one should start with:

  1. Sukshma Vyayama/ Loosening Exercises: These are easy body stretch and movement yogas with controlled breath that put the body at ease.
  2. Trataka (For eyes): In this yoga, a person focuses on an object for a prolonged period without blinking their eyes or meditates on a mental picture with eyes closed. This is particularly beneficial for the eyes.
  3. Sarvangasana, Halasana, Chakrasana: These three yoga poses are recommended for kids for better eyesight.
  4. Mandukasan, Noukasan, Pawan Muktasana, Uttanapadasana: These four poses are beneficial for people suffering from diabetes.
  5. Makarasan, Vyanjanasan, Sarpasan, Ustasan, Baithak Sthiti Vakrasan: The five poses aid in maintaining healthy oxygen levels in one’s body.
  6. Sinha Kriya, Pranayam: These are the best remedies for cough and clean all kinds of blockage in the trachea.
  7. Surya Namaskar: Pranayam and Surya Namaskar always top all yogas for their multiple benefits. If someone is not able to do all the poses, even doing these two regularly will be highly effective.

Also, read: How Yoga Helped Me Stay Healthy During My Pregnancy And Can Help You Too

How people have benefitted

Aditi Gaur is a government official from Bhopal who has been running her house all by herself for quite some time. Her father stays unwell and her mother passed away a few years ago after which everything fell on her. In such a scenario, she started to feel uneasy at the office and even back at home. This is when she introduced Yoga and meditation into her life and it has done wonders.

I do pranayam, bhramari, anulom bilom every day and this has helped me with my anxiety. Yoga has rather became my friend which keeps me healthy and I don’t feel lonely,” says Gaur.

Likewise, Reporter and Anchor Ritu Verma is a mother to two teenagers. This kept her so busy along with her work life that she stopped paying heed to her health. This ultimately took a toll on her health in 2017 when she fell seriously ill. As a result, she understood the call and started practicing Yoga.

Yoga has not only brought me serenity but helped me lose weight as well. I feel beautiful from inside and have gained strength to fight the stress and start anew,” shares Verma.

What is your excuse? It is high time for us all to start the amazing journey of Yoga.

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