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Let’s face it – toning your body might be even harder than reaching your weight loss goal. That annoying bra overhang, double chin or belly fat sometimes simply doesn’t go away no matter how hard you try to get rid of it. That is when it is time for eliminating those trouble spots once and for all with a little magic trick known as non-invasive body sculpturing.

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The non-invasive body sculpturing also known as body contouring is a perfect way to painlessly eliminate the problem areas on your body without the need for surgery. These non-invasive treatments refer to procedures that use modern technologies and a variety of medical devices (such as lasers or radiofrequency waves) to remove the annoying pockets of fat that don’t go away despite the changes in your diet and a regular workout routine. Here are 5 treatments to sculpt your body and make it slim and toned.


This unique treatment targets the abdominal fat and gets rid of it using thermal ultrasonic energy while stimulating the collagen around treated areas to firm up the skin. The ultrasonic heat destroys the fat cells, which are later on eliminated through the body’s lymphatic system. This body sculpturing treatment will help you tone your body, loose the annoying fat pockets and make you fall in love with your figure.


This treatment, scientifically known as Cryolipolysis is a procedure of freezing fat. It is the most innovative, non-surgical procedure that will help you quickly lose the annoying and stubborn fat pockets. During the CoolSculpting treatment, the controlled cooling is used to safely target and reduce fat that you were unable to get rid of by exercising or dieting. Carefully regulated cooling plates affect the fat cells, bringing them down to a temperature at which they are damaged irreversibly. The damaged fat cells eventually die because of the deep-freeze damage and make your body fat-free, perfectly slimmed and toned.


Zerona treatment uses low-level lasers to disrupt fat cell membranes and therefore increase their permeability. The ‘cold’ lasers cause the fat cells to leak its contents into the interstitial fluid making it easier for your body to burn it up. This non-invasive, non-surgical treatment keeps the cells intact but decreases them in size. The lasers emit cold laser light above the targeted fat pockets and trigger receptor sites on the fat cells to open and leak. It is based on a photo-stimulation – laser light stimulation that leads to a slimmer silhouette. This treatment will do wonders combined with light cardio and a healthy, modified diet.


This treatment uses radio-frequency RF waves to deep heat the fat cells and tightens your skin. TruSculpt uses comfortable and tolerable heat that emits from the handpiece applied to the treated area. The RF energy – heat breaks down the fatty tissues, sliming down your body from the stubborn fat. The targeted pulses of calibrated RF energy locate the fat cells and damage them while tightening the skin making your body perfectly toned.

When opting for any of these innovative non-invasive body-toning treatments you should be aware that it takes about six to twelve weeks to see the full results. Your body needs time to clear away the treated fat and get rid of it, irreversibly. After these treatments, the results will last until you gain weight.

With these many body-sculpturing non-surgical procedures, it is wise to consult with experienced plastic surgeons, aestheticians, doctors, and experts that will help you decide what is best for your body type.

Also, they will explain what to expect from each of these treatments since every human body is different, and the successfulness of procedures, as well as the number of treatments, depends on the amount of fat and your lifestyle choices. Do your research and choose the perfect treatment for toning your body!

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