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First, you need to understand that though both the terms are related to females, they are not the same.

Femininity is a set of attributes, behaviors, and roles generally associated with women and girls. Although femininity is socially constructed, research indicates that some behaviors that are considered feminine are biologically influenced. To what extent femininity is biologically influenced or socially constructed is subject to debate. What is even more striking is that both males and females can exhibit feminine traits.

Whereas feminism is a range of sociopolitical movements and ideologies that aim to define and establish political, economic, personal, and social equality of the genders. It incorporates the position that societies prioritize the male point of view and that women are treated unjustly within those societies. Efforts to change include fighting against gender stereotypes and establishing educational, professional, and interpersonal opportunities and outcomes for women.

Photo by Laura Tancredi from Pexels

Everything that women enjoy today in any corner of the world is a result of the feminist movements that gave them the right to vote, have property rights, earn equal pay and also spend it at their will in places like Shop Feminist and many others, hold office, receive maternity leaves, and much more.

Feminism has never been the problem but a quintessential revolution. But radical feminism is the real threat to a woman’s identity. Radical feminists, in theory, stand against the patriarchy, which is not totally incorrect, but with the passage of time, a lot of these feminists have shown signs of being man-haters who have wider misunderstandings about the history of feminism and its impact on contemporary gender relations. They have also denied upholding the societal constructs made for females and worked hard on imitating and tussling with the males.

The emphasis on virginity and monogamy

Society largely expects a woman to be chaste and remain untouched till her wedlock.

Now when humans were uncivilized, probably such an idea never crossed anyone’s mind but with advancements, males started to take the reign and like guarding their territory, guarded the females. And why did the need for guarding arise? It is because a female is an object of attraction and biologically less tensile. For her physical stability and well-being, a man came into the picture. That is exactly how the man started to expect things out of a woman in return for the protection he gave her.

Things haven’t changed much although we got chili sprays and tasers. Well, self-defense training is more protective. It is a matter of shame and also a paradox that the men want a woman to be untouched and pounce on any woman who is vulnerable.

Feminists debunk these expectations and call for equality. With patriarchy, men are never questioned for their chastity, but women on the contrary are subject to scrutiny.

The bottom line is that not every man or woman is attracted to polygamy. Romanticism exists and thanks to people like Shakespeare for that. He has given us this flowery idea and comfort of enjoying monogamy. So, finding a partner is a completely personal choice. It should be done as per one’s innate preferences. No one has the right to judge a woman for her choices. What matters is love, attachment, and loyalty within a man and a woman. As long as that is there, a previous physical condition doesn’t make sense.

The whole idea of dressing up

Every man has this tendency to blame a woman’s clothes and makeup for the crimes. Yet most of the women who are subject to these crimes are fully dressed from head to toe.

Women wearing revealing clothes have been an eyesore to many. Radical feminists do it deliberately and expect men to behave.

Biologically males are subject to provocation. No matter how much they are groomed and tamed and mannered, a part of them always eyes woman as an object of lust.

Dressing up is an art, actually. I have seen women appear graceful even in bikinis and appearing loud in sarees. It is how you carry yourself and how you want to be presented that creates your appearance. Even the place, occasion, and person you are with should help decide what to wear.


Again, women are expected to be modest and docile. So many expectations really!

Let’s visit our ancestors again. To protect women, men kept them bound to four walls. All they were expected is to make food, do household chores, and bear children.

But the role and duties of women have changed with times. A woman, whether homemaker or working, is exposed to the world outside. And we all know that modern times are no bed of roses. So, she has toughened up and stood her ground. It is just the need of the hour. Also, women who earn have a wider world and thoughts and people to deal with. It doesn’t give them the liberty to be docile.

Yet manners are still a great factor in one’s personality. Radical feminists deem ill or liberal (as per them) manners as normal which is all wrong. Etiquette is win-win whether one is docile or not. After all, everyone loves an amicable, goodhearted, and well-behaved person.


Feminists emphasize that motherhood is a choice. Is it really? Why deny the biological factor?

Whether one gives birth, or adopts, or plays the caregiver to her own family or a group of people, she is being motherly.

Yes, pregnancy is a choice but motherhood is not. A woman has been bestowed with the greatest of all gifts to humankind – to love and care. She has a hyperactive heart and conscience. Smashing patriarchy is a whole different thing than losing one’s femininity. It is just too beautiful and precious to lose. Imagine a world without mothers and caregivers. Can you?

Are you feminine or feminist? I am both, only not radical.

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