Does the mention of hemp make you frown? Do you start delving into those endless fallacies around it? Then listen to 24-YO entrepreneur, Harshal Goel, founder of The Trost.
“One of the biggest myths about hemp products is that they intoxicate you. But that’s not true. Hemp-based products include no traces of cannabinoids and are thus completely safe for consumption. We made India’s first cannabis-based natural and nicotine-free cigarettes, and they are sold based on prescription by our in-house professional doctors. Hence these products can be used as a medicine for better lifestyle and wellness.”
Harshal had an immense curiosity to understand cannabis and its by-products. Further, his resolve drove him to explore the developments centered around cannabis in Switzerland. Pursuing Business Administration from Zurich allowed him to research more on cannabis and the demand for its products like chocolates, gummies, cigarettes, and creams.
Ayurvedic and medicinal herbal hemp cigarettes – what led him to this innovation?
“Realizing the benefits this “highly-maligned” substance offer, I decided to bring my cannabis-based cigarette brand for the Swiss market to life. Thereafter, witnessing raging success in just three months, we decided to leap into the Indian market that showcased the great potential for hemp-based products. Thus, in September 2021, The Trost was born. Alongside we acquired a proprietary Ayurvedic Dhoom Dandika (smoke therapy) license. It is safe to say that committing to being curious, successful brands are certain to emerge,” explained Harshal Goel, in conversation with LifeBeyondNumbers.
His thorough analysis gave him a global perspective on the demand, benefits, and business opportunities in the cannabis market. It was always about diving deeper into this industry and not extracting surface-level information. It helped him learn the medical benefits of cannabis, the legal aspects of selling cannabis-based products in Switzerland and India, and the potential business avenues.
Having worked with Medropharm and Koch & Gsell (K&G) aided him in implementing his learnings. Harshal even delved into the concept of Atharveda and the significance of its five sacred plants, which include cannabis. A blend of these studies gave him a perspective on the nutritional, therapeutic, and other benefits of hemp and cannabis leaf extract.
How did India respond to the tobacco-free hemp cigarettes?
Elucidating, he shares that hemp became acceptable across India immediately after receiving approval as a food product from FSSAI. It opened up numerous opportunities, generating massive demand for The Trost’s products.
“Our goal to eliminate the taboo and stigmas around hemp and cannabis came to fruition. We are now witnessing greater acceptance and awareness of the benefits that this plant and its products offer. Our rollens have gained tremendous popularity as users consider its usage as a smoke therapy. Our products are well received, especially by millennials, across major Tier-1 cities.“
Having developed the products under the guidance of general medicine and Ayurvedic practitioners, the brand vouches for its products’ safety and benefits. There are three categories of products that cater to different audiences of different age groups.
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The hemp nutrition product is for anyone as young as two years old and is rich in amino acids and omega 3, 6, and 9. Likewise, CBD oil, too, can be used for anyone above the age of two, especially those dealing with stress, insomnia, and anxiety. The Trost rollens is one product recommended to those above 18. It can be an alternative to tobacco smoke. It helps with respiratory tract issues like asthma, dyspnea, and bronchitis.
The products, including tobacco-free hemp cigarettes, are produced with vegan-friendly, organic, cruelty-free, and dairy-free constituents. The cigarettes are developed with a deep understanding of the prevailing issue of smoking and nicotine addiction. Further integration of ayurvedic formulations into the brand’s cigarettes improved their safety as an alternative to conventional nicotine-based ones.
“Many of our customers suffering from Parkinson’s’ have greatly relieved by using our cigarettes. It also helps reduce stress, which is why once someone uses it, they come back to us.”
While the product line is exquisite, it isn’t free of challenges. One of the biggest tasks he faced and continues to experience is people’s mindsets and prejudices.
“Being the first and the only company in India to introduce hemp-based products has been a rollercoaster ride, mainly for product manufacturing and selling. Another challenge is the scarcity of resources, which catalyzes issues at the product management level. However, with increased brand exposure, people have started to realize the authenticity and legitimacy of our offerings.“
On the brighter side, The Trost has been the sole player to have followed the principles of ‘Dhuma Yoga’, an Ayurvedic formulation combining five herbs, including cannabis. In the form of hemp cigarettes, the herbs get burnt, and the smoke gets inhaled by the user, which is therapeutic and helps release the nicotine addiction.
The Trost is the only Indian brand to acquire a proprietary Ayurvedic Dhoom Dandika license. Its hemp-based cigarettes contain medicinal properties and therapeutic and nutritional perks. Since Indian hemp (Cannabis Sativa) has been the source of oil and medicine for the longest, it acts as a great hormone balancer and helps get rid of respiratory tract ailments.
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“We have adopted a free consultation policy that enables potential or existing customers to seek the guidance of a certified ASU practitioner for their ailments. Backing our claims with Ayurvedic and scientific studies helped us break the taboo and introduce our products. As a brand that advocates quality and safety over other factors, we have grasped control over our pricing to make it accessible and affordable to everyone.”
The Trost commenced as a self-funded business in 2020. However, the brand is already working towards doing a pre-Series A round in the coming months. In its expansion plans, Harshal aims to spread across the country, mainly in the R&D sector, and strengthen his brand’s export flows globally. Keeping in mind the increasing demand for the products, especially rollens, he and his team are improving the production capacity multi-fold.
These healthy cigarettes are an excellent substitute for people who wish to quit smoking but cannot stay without it and for those who enjoy smoking but want to stay away from the ill effects of nicotine.
“The government has already understood the importance of hemp. Therefore, FSSAI has approved it, and soon I expect the government and other bodies to help us reach a maximum number of people. It is pertinent to have a better supply chain and logistics in India, so we do not have to depend on anything through imports.“
The enterprising man has expert advice for enthusiastic entrepreneurs who wish to venture into this niche market.
“Take risks and the leap of faith to venture into the unknown. Think beyond the obvious, and success shall be yours!”
As the brand describes, it is on a mission to open minds to fresh outlooks: From taboo to transparency. From weed to wellness. From hemp to healthy.